2017年5月31日 星期三



Grace and ease come from embracing both the ebb and flow of the universe. It is peaceful acceptance of whatever is being energetically supported at any given time. There is no resistance or efforting on the path of grace and ease, just a flow of faith and trust that moves at its own perfect and divine tempo that is the joyful dance of co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel


為什麼不讓你的大腦擺脫擔憂?你如何做到這一點?獲得禮物 做你喜歡的東西,吸收你。有一個新的經驗。給你的指導,天使或來源照顧你的憂慮。為您的心靈宣布一天的休假日,並將禮物送給現在的時刻,如果令人難以置信的複興,你會感到驚訝。事實上,你可能想明天再做,第二天,之後的那一天...〜大天使加百利

Why not give your brain a holiday from worry? How do you do that? Get present. Do something you love that absorbs you. Have a new experience. Give your worries to your guides, angels or Source to take care of for you. Declare the day a vacation day for your mind, and gift it the experience of the Now moment, and you’ll be surprised how incredibly rejuvenating it is. In fact, you just might want to do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that… ~Archangel Gabriel

