2016年8月29日 星期一



Dear Ones, one of the biggest ways you hold yourself back is by your habit of seeing yourself as being wrong. What if your procrastination is simply waiting for supportive energy to create from? What if your sudden time off work is designed to give you time to focus on your spiritual growth? What if your breakup happened to make room for the greatest love of your life to occur? What if you were late this morning because had you been on time you would have been in an accident?

你的靈魂 ---最高的自我連同你的指導和助手---共事來給予你成長、擴張和進化所需的切實情況。你所有的自我評判只會創造抵抗和不適,在意在於服務你的情況中。相信。接納。意願與支持的能量共事。知曉這一切之中有著神聖的完美。~大天使加百利

Your soul – your highest self along with your guides and helpers – all work together to give you the exact conditions you require to grow, expand, and evolve. All your self judgment does is create resistance and discomfort within conditions that are designed to serve you . Trust. Accept. Work willingly with whatever the energies are supporting. And know that there is divine perfection in all of it. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯: Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wrg0.html

