2016年8月26日 星期五



Dear Ones, just as you may resonate with certain spiritual paths, teachers, healing modalities, or areas on your planet, so it is with the areas you feel drawn to offer your loving service to. Some of you may be passionate about helping animals, others may feel called to help people, to lend your energy to certain causes, or to assist the planet in specific ways. We urge you to stop making others wrong if they are not feeling the same draw as you are to a certain area of service .


These many different service paths ensure that diverse areas of need get attention. It is through your mindful activism you will raise awareness and find others who feel drawn to that particular area to help. People will help in the ways that best honour their own particular soul paths. There are many on your planet who may seem like they are doing nothing at all but who are in reality being of tremendous service to the planet and her grids by holding and transmuting energies in a certain areas. You simply do not know what another ' s soul agenda is.

當你評判他人和他們的方式,你創造了分離,而地球正在努力統一。你甚至會阻止別人協助,如果他們感到自己所做的是錯的。擁抱你覺得充滿激情的,服務,接納,就像你找到自己完美的目標,他人也會。我們敦促你去專注和慶祝公分母,就是靈魂的進化,關懷和服務,在自己獨特的方式中,會極大地支持整體。~ 大天使加百利

When you judge people and the way they care, you create separation in a time when your planet is striving to unify. You could even dissuade someone from trying to assist at all if they are feeling that everything they do is wrong to someone. Embrace what you feel passionate about, be your service, and accept that just as you have found your perfect match of purpose, others will find theirs, too. We urge you to focus on and celebrate the common denominator in all of it, which is souls evolving , caring, and serving in their own unique ways, which energetically can only support the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯: Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wr8g.html


Dear Ones, you are looking at the world through filters, often created more by conditioning than truth or preference. What if you made ​​the decision today to, instead of looking for what is wrong, start looking for what is oh, so right in your world? What if you went about your day looking for evidence of love?

你可以決定你想要通過關注增長什麼。我們建議你選擇可以幫助你擁抱神奇,魔法,無條件愛的東西,如果你可以看得到。~ 大天使加百利

You get to decide what you would like to grow through your attention. We recommend you choose something that can help you embrace the wonder, magic, and unconditional love that abounds for you, if only you have the eyes to see. ~Archangel Gabriel


