2016年8月15日 星期一



So many of you yearn for peace. If your inner peace seems elusive to you, we urge you to look at your life to see your choices support the peace you crave. It is hard to feel peaceful or joyful if you are working at a job you don ' t enjoy, if you are surrounded by people who don ' t honour you, or continuing in activities that keep you in a painful place.


What can you do, right now, that would be a demonstration of your desire to shift your life in the direction you want and deserve? It doesn 't need to be grandiose to show your intention. Perhaps you can start to meditate, take a class to learn something that interests you, or simply take some you time. So many of you have created lives of duty with very little consideration to your own satisfaction.


Dear Ones, we implore you to start to create a life you love, that honours you as much as you honour others, for as you create a life that allows you to experience peace and satisfaction within yourselves, you support the creation of more peace on the planet. Again we say the ascension process is a revolution of one soul at a time anchoring empowered change through preference and choice. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wq4y.html

無條件的愛和接納創造安全的環境,讓別人可以放下警惕,敞開,做自己。這提供鼓勵去擁抱自己的真實性,會導向透明度和真理。你的人際關係會如何轉變,如果你為他人創造了那個安全地帶。你會如何轉變,如果你對自己分享無條件的愛,接納和鼓勵。~ 大天使加百利

Unconditional love and acceptance create an environment of safety that allows others to drop their guard, to open up and simply be themselves.It offers the encouragement to embrace their authenticity, which leads to transparency and truth. How would your relationships shift if you created that safe zone for others? How would you shift if you shared your unconditional love, acceptance, and encouragement with yourself?~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wq4z.html

