2019年12月19日 星期四



Faith and trust, when combined together, are the energy that takes you into the realm of your highest potentials. They are the fuel, the bridge, and the guidance system that takes you to the discovery of the solutions and perfect matches that exist for you just beyond what you can see. Love yourselves enough to be willing to see just how big and beautiful your lives want to get, Dear Ones, for all that is standing between you and that magic is your willingness to explore the great beyond. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



The phase you are currently in is all about shifting from doing to being, from efforting to flowing, from judging to accepting, from false power to authentic power, from the doubting of the mind to the trusting of the heart, from separation to inclusion, from conditional love to unconditional love for both yourself and others, from martyred service to joyful service that honours everyone involved. All of these shifts allow you to move forward with greater ease, comfort, and joy.


You will not be perfect at embracing the new all the time. Be gentle with yourselves. Lovingly redirect yourself if you forget and revert back into the old. You are learning to lead and respond with your wisdom which creates new habits and supports new templates. You will not mess this up, Dear Ones, because the old is expired energy for you now and it would be too uncomfortable to stay there for any length of time.


So trust. Trust the process. Trust your own mastery and wisdom. Lead with your heart one Now moment at a time and soon you will find navigating in the new ways will be your natural response and preference. It is your mindfulness that lets you know you are more than ready to step forward into your empowered, highest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

