2018年12月24日 星期一


的幽默,你比以往任何時候都更加深入的意願,已經產生了深刻的變化,你的冬至正在鎖定這種變化。最重要的是,你將體驗到大量的光 - 清潔,支持光在這一天,另一個在12月22日,在你的假日季節再次,如果你願意,在你進入新的一年之前補充你的光無論你在世界的哪個角落,無論你是在經歷最黑暗的夜晚和回歸光明的結束,還是享受光明的一天,我們都會敦促你簡單地打開並接受光線作為清潔,它是支持性的潤唇膏。我們也鼓勵你,因為你允許燈光包圍你,慶祝你自己的輝煌,光明是整個啟蒙過程的重要組成部分,因為沒有你,它就不會發生。這一天,你永遠都會比你所知道的更加被愛和慶祝。〜大天使加百利通過雪莉·楊

We wish to commend you for all you have done during this pivotal and transformational year. Your consistency, your courage, your humour, your willingness to go deeper than ever before, has created profound change, and your solstice is locking in that change. On top of that, you will experience an influx of light – cleansing, supportive light on this day, another on December 22, and again throughout your holiday season, topping up your light, if you will, before you step into the brand new year of 2019. Wherever you are in the world, whether you are experiencing the end of the darkest night and the return to the light, or enjoying the day of most light, we urge you to simply open up and receive the light as the cleansing, supportive balm it is. We also encourage you, as you allow the light to envelop you, to celebrate your own brilliant, shining light as an essential part of the entire enlightenment process, for without you it would not happen. You are loved and celebrated more than you could ever know, this day and always. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, allow this truth to settle into your heart. Your growth is your service. There is nothing more impactful you can do than to continue your own expansion and enlightenment for it serves both you and the whole so beautifully. That is how you are the change, how you walk your talk, how you are the beautiful teachers by example, how you embody the light, how you are the brave and glorious pioneers of the new. You are driving the shift with every discovery you make, every release, every integration, every act of love. Never underestimate the amazing job you are doing, for you are at the heart of it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

