2015年2月23日 星期一

【揚升大師El Morya】2月17日《把消極轉變成積極》


Sometimes, the lackof belief in one's self can go on for quite some time before alife-changing situation comes along and forces change to happen.Having a lack of belief in your abilities can be a majorcontributing factor in many endeavours you are trying to eitherimplement or complete to not being successful. By not believing inyour whole self as a person who is capable of many great things,you put a great strain on pursuing a fulfilling career, sustainingmeaningful relationships and even create great difficulty on tryingto meet certain spiritual quests. When you don't think you can, youmay go from one good habit to another, never sticking with one longenough to enforce it with discipline to make it work better. It isimportant to be assertive in life, but without being aggressive.This means becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable, pushingbeyond your comfort zones and embracing bravely what is new andgood. Change isn't all bad. Without change, you would have littlegrowth and would not see your own personal potential or experiencethe strength you've always had, just never botheredutilizing.


No matter how self-assured aperson may be, they are never perfect at being positive all thetime 24/7. Doubt will creep in, like a pesky weed that you thinkyou got rid of that suddenly reappears somewhere else when you'renot looking. You can become more self-assured and less doubtfulwhen you accept any of the mistakes that you have made as steppingstones towards success. Each mistake made, provides you with afresh opportunity to try again, but by making different choicesthat will direct you to different outcomes. And as you aremeandering along, just imagine how much more insightful andknowledgeable of yourself and the world around you, you willbecome. You are more incredible than you give yourself creditfor.


Remember, noteveryone is perfect all of the time. And we are not encouragingperfection because with perfection there is no growth, there is nopushing beyond comfort zones. What we are encouraging is you tobecome more complete and whole in all you do and how you think ofyourself . When you are able to greet life maturely in yourintellect and in your emotions, you understand that not everyonewill return the gratitude and compassion you give because you giveunconditionally and realize everyone is at different levels ofacceptance and understanding and that growth comes at differentstages for all people .


Being of a mature mind enables youto not take everything personally and to not judge others simply bytheir appearance or even by their current demeanor. Until you'vewalked in their shoes, you have absolutely no right to judge orcriticize them. You don't know what personal horrors they may havedealt with by the time they crossed your path. Realizing that otherpeople are also striving to surpass doubt and uncertainty will jogyour memory that you are more connected than you realize. Even ifwhat you have to go through every day is different, the fact thatyou must persevere trials and tribulations daily that arechallenging and on the verge of being difficult brings you closerto others by understanding that even life can be painful, it canalso be joy-filled and fulfilling. This knowing that is deep andprofound is what will draw you closer to people and be not onlysympathetic but empathetic.


So many dear soulsare directed each day by fear; fear of making a mistake, fear ofpeople not agreeing with them, or fear of not being accepted bytheir peers. These fears are only negative if you think of them assuch. What they are, are positive reinforcements and reminders thatyou are surrounded by growth and development opportunities. If youhave made a mistake, learn what your error was and improve upon it;if people are arguing with you or are disagreeing with you, takethe time to backtrack to when your discussion became heated andyou'll get your answer; if you think you are not being accepted byyour peers, that could be an indication you need to be working moreon your inner self, discovering who you are and to be your realself at every opportunity. Where you see a negative, there is alsoa positive, and something to grow from.


Mistakes of any kind offer bitsand pieces of feedback. Sometimes you don't realize how far you'vegone until you meet a bump along the way and become frustrated overit. Every bump is your opportunity to smooth things out by lookingat what has transpired thus far and how you can improve on eachstep. There is nothing that you have done that was a mistake oraccident. Everything has a purpose. Sometimes it just takes sometime to go over a situation or incident and realize the truthunderneath all the overwrought emotions and feelings that oftenblock what is really there.


We understand that itcan be frightening to embrace what you are afraid of. We are suregreat people such as Martin Luther King Jr, Gandhi and others likethese were afraid when defending what they believed in, working onprojects that was of importance to them that helps others aroundthem . They could not predict how the people would react, they justknew they had to persevere and keep following the drawing of theirheart. The things you are afraid of trying are the very things thatare most necessary. Embrace your fears, allow them to guide you andto enlighten you, to make you more aware of yourself and what youcan accomplish when you truly try with all your heart and soul inevery step.


You can become better at beingless doubtful and more of a believer of yourself. You do this bypracticing daily to push beyond something you find discomfortingwhich will expand your level of discomfort. In addition, stopworrying about what others are doing or thinking, be you. If youare coming from your authentic person and you accept who you are,then you will attract others that are of the same mindset. Take thetime to explore different coping strategies that help get youthrough self-doubt and moments you lack self-confidence and stickto them. Build up a reservoir of trust in yourself and in your ownabilities. Before going into a situation know as much as you canbeforehand and regardless how things pan out be okay with theoutcome. You can't avoid mistakes by not taking chances.


Mistakes come whenthey come. Learning is never-ending and before you can provide acomment to something, know and understand what you are talkingabout first. Remember it is okay to make a mistake, sometimes youwill make the same mistakes repeatedly until you learn what not todo by recognizing the signs that you have fallen into a repetitivecycle. As you become more familiar with yourself at variousintervals and stages of development you will come to realize thatyou are much stronger and more capable than you once thought. Youhave tolerated so much in the past and look how much you have grownsince then. Allow your past experiences to remind you of how faryou have come and be empowered and inspired to continue growing anddeveloping. You will discover more of your true, natural self andreach the conclusion that you have always been great, all you needto do is believe this every time a trying event crosses yourpath.


You will get through anything andeverything simply because you have done so before. So turn thatsigh around into an enthusiastic smile and rejoice in newdirections that are there not to scare you, but to help furtherdevelop who you are from the inside out.


通靈:JulieMiller    翻譯:NickChan 

