2015年2月11日 星期三

麥基洗德20140201 致力於自己的解放


Who you often think you are isyour ego at work, yet your ego is not really a thing but a set ofself-centered behaviours and characteristics that guide your heartand mind along a certain process of ways and methods. Typicallydear ones, these self-centered behaviours have focus and tend toexaggerate your own significance of self. Yet if you look deeplywithin, you will eventually come to the conclusion that the selfyou drum up in your mind does not exist, the self that your egocreated is pure illusion. What we often observe is that you trulydo believe and trust in the perception of your Self as anindividual, a person that is separate from everyone else. We alsowitness many dear souls believing more in their created self thanthey do in God or anything else. This is when the ego becomes God .And this dear ones is the central point of your illusion, that yourlife and its process and direction becomes scattered on a path thatwould have provided you with opportunities for aligning yourenergies with that of God's regardless which spiritual quest youundertook.


Part of the reasonwhy so many dear souls don't excel on any spiritual quest or direction isdue to the fear of losing their ego, they often feel by giving uptheir precious ego, they will lose something precious inthemselves. The ego is what holds so many of you back, it is thehindering part of you that requires you to overcome it if you haveany inkling on succeeding in any course or direction you havechosen for yourself. It requires real, true emotional and mentalmaturity to free yourself from the clutches of your ego and fromits debilitating process that had you creating grand illusionsabout yourself. If you think about the Matryoshka nesting dolls,you know as you remove one, you discover a smaller one. Think asthis with your ego. As you remove layers, the ego becomes smallerand you bring yourself closer to emptying yourself of all egoicsubstance and into the realms of pure, divine love that is alwaysunconditional. It is when you finally reach this place, that yourprecious heart fills you with compassion for your total self whichwill include compassion and kindness for your body, heart, mind andsoul; compassion for the cashier who checks out your groceries,compassion for your neighbour, the mail carrier, and all those thatreside within the city you call home and for those who also sharemother Earth as their home. But as long your ego is permitted toreign, your faith in yourself becomes reduced and any signs of truegenuine compassion can only be found in fragments as your authenticself remains closed off in a shell of its own existence, whileobserving from the inside all the calamity the ego self iscreating.


When you finallybegin to liberate yourself you begin to see the world around youwith much more clarity and understanding, and you are able toincreasingly let go of the illusions your ego created of your Self.When you are able to observe your ego in action, you are able tosee every small and rigid self-centered compulsion such ashostility, grasping, fear, vanity, self-importance, resentment,over-indulgence, self-pity, biased opinions, thoughts of treachery,criticism of others, gossip, greed, and having the idea that theuniverse revolves around you; that you live in a“me, mine, and i” world. If you areable to observe any of this or others similar as a witness of yourego in action, then you are able to also see your truth. Then youare able to willingly and unflinchingly approach this false side ofyourself and begin to ground yourself into the present by acceptingwhat was and becoming who you are meant to be, without your egopresent, trying to run things.


We do understand thatit can be difficult to realize that the ego is what controls you inthis materialistic world. Once you can clearly see all that yourself-centered side has created, you can begin to unburden yourselffrom its deep-rooted clutches you allowed to grow to begin with.The more compassion and love that is pure and genuine you bring toyour life in all its many aspects the less your ego will bepresent. It is your responsibility dear ones to free yourself fromthe weight of your ego and allow your authentic self to finallybreathe clearer and brighter, and for you to discover there is lifebeyond the ego's fleeting satisfactions. And this life that isfinally discovered, even with its ups and downs is beautiful. Onceyou are in control of your emotions and feelings and your ego isfinally dissolved into nothingness, then you are able to live afulfilling life that is unencumbered by illusion, a life that movesalways in the present. It is up to you dear ones to make thishappen and we believe you can once you are ready and willing tocommit yourself to your own liberation.


通靈:Julie Miller   翻譯:Nick Chan


