2015年2月21日 星期六



What is the one thingyou worry most about? We are sure you have taken a considerableamount of time looking at this issue many different ways, tryingmany different approaches to heal it. If you have done every lastthing you can think of, rather than going around the loop onceagain, why not surrender it to Source? Why not say, “Okay, Source,I've done everything I could possibly think of and I'm still stuck.Please take this situation and resolve it.”


You see, if you havebeen going around and around the same issue without relief, it isobvious that the solution exists beyond what is in your scope ofawareness. It would already be healed if your efforting was theanswer. Allow us to move it into vaster and greater potentials thanyou may be aware of.


Much like moving an unusuallydifficult situation through different employees in a company untilyou find an expert that can resolve it, why not let us be yourproblem resolution specialists? We have a vastly different vantagepoint to see the fastest way to move you past your perceivedblockage into the satisfaction you seek. It is always our greatestpleasure to serve you because our only wish for you is to shine,thrive and experience your life to the fullest. So surrender, DearOnes, and allow us to flow you into the resolution you seek.~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vfsd.html


Dear Ones, ride whatever energiesare presenting to you with complete acceptance of their perfectionand purpose. If you are feeling energized, use that as anopportunity to take action, as the energies are supportingmovement. If you are feeling tired, realize it is time for rest andintegration . Your body is always very aware of what the energiesare for, at any given time. As you start to harness and work withwhatever energy is available to you in each Now moment, you willbecome so much more efficient and feel so much more supported. Youwill begin navigating your life with far greater grace and easethan ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel

