2022年1月11日 星期二



There is nothing more powerful than a surrendered human being allowing their beingness to lead the way, for every single thing that happens from that point on is supported by the flow, and a true match to who they really are and where they wish to go. But even more than that, a non-resistant human being has the ability to be easily moved into the right time/right place scenarios that allow them to be of their greatest service and the answer to a prayer. You become a willing participant of both serving and being served which allows you to become one with the love of Source, and that is the height of the human experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Shelley’s Note: This came through in a private session yesterday on the topic of moving into the unknown and I thought it was such great advice I wanted to share it with you today.


Become the Indiana Jones of your life expression! Be willing to get curious and explore and expand. Know there is treasure for you and have the courage to set out on your journey to discover it. Approach your life like it’s an epic adventure and that is exactly what it will be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

