2022年1月10日 星期一


金錢就是力量的信念在你們的星球上很普遍,從 3D 的角度來看也是如此。你們中的許多人,作為變革的推動者,一直在拒絕舊的權力結構,因此也潛意識地拒絕金錢。我們希望您了解的是,隨著您與權力的關係從舊的分離權力的方式轉變為統一賦權的新方式,您與金錢的關係也將如此。從你的團結意識和賦權的新地方,你會發現更容易接受更平衡的給予和接受的流動,這包括允許金錢和其他形式的富足流動。

The belief that money is power is prevalent on your planet, and that is true from a 3D standpoint. Many of you, as agents of change, have been rejecting the old power structures, and from doing so have also been subconsciously rejecting money. What we want you to understand is that as your relationship with power shifts from the old ways of separating power into the new ways of unifying empowerment, so will your relationship with money. From your new place of unity consciousness and empowerment, you will find it easier to embrace a more balanced flow of both giving and receiving, and that includes allowing the flow of money and other forms of abundance.

正如您可以與權力建立有意識的關係一樣,您也可以與金錢建立更自覺的關係。我們甚至會說,一旦你擁有一個,你就會擁有另一個。所以從本質上講,金錢問題並不是真正的金錢問題,而是權力問題,這可能源於你害怕陷入自我,變得像那些你認為未進化的人,害怕被評判,害怕欠別人的,害怕承擔責任,認為金錢是萬惡之源的未治癒的信念體系,或其他一些使人喪失權力或分裂的信念。當您從 3D 權力結構演變為 5D 賦權時,所有這些問題都會得到治愈,並且隨著它們的發生,您的金錢問題也會自然而然地得到治愈。

Just as you can have a conscious relationship with power, you can also have a more conscious relationship with money. We would even go so far as to say once you have one, you have the other. So at their core, money problems aren’t really money problems, they are power issues and it likely stems from you having a fear of either falling into ego, becoming like those you consider to be unevolved, a fear of being judged, a fear of owing another, a fear of responsibility, an unhealed belief system that money is the source of all evil, or some other disempowering or separating belief. All of these issues heal as you evolve beyond 3D power structures into 5D empowerment, and as they do your issues with money will naturally heal as well.


As you’ve been peeling back the layers to discover your true essence, you’ve also been peeling away the layers that kept you from experiencing your authentic wealth and your inherent ability to co-create. What we want you to understand is as you step into your authentic power all things shift, and that will open the door to ease with abundance, which ultimately is simply allowing yourself to acknowledge what has always been yours all along. Do you see? Authentic power will naturally lead you to authentic abundance if you allow it and it is safe to embrace both. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


