2022年1月9日 星期日


雪萊的筆記:我很高興地宣布,我在 2022 年有一個即將發布的完整頻道!我認這是關於我們要去哪裡的一個很好的跡象,因為我在 2020 年或 2021 年根本沒有收到。這是我發現非常有趣的摘錄......希望你喜歡它!

Shelley’s Note: I’m so happy to announce that I have a full length channel on 2022 that is soon to be released! I think this is a wonderful sign about where we are going, as I didn’t receive one at all for 2020 or 2021. This is an excerpt from it that I found very interesting…hope you enjoy it!

令許多人感到不安的一件事是出現瞭如此多廣泛而多樣的陰謀論。我們想讓你明白的是,這實際上是一個擴張的跡象,而且很多人正在覺醒。這表明人們開始質疑他們面前的 3D 現實,這是一件積極的事情。他們開始探索許多不同的潛力和可能性。

One of the things that has been disconcerting to many is the emergence of so many vast and varied conspiracy theories. What we want you to understand is that this is actually a sign of expansion and that masses of people are waking up. It indicates that people are starting to question beyond the 3D reality right in front of them, and that is a positive thing. They are beginning to explore many different potentials and possibilities.

這引導人們發展辨別的技能。讓我們向你保證,任何不基於真理或授權的陰謀論最終都會顯示出許多漏洞——這些漏洞只會越來越大,直到信徒意識到它並沒有把他們帶到他們想去的地方. 這可能是一個困難的認識,但它是磨練洞察力的必要認識。這也可能是人們發現自己的真理和智慧的關鍵一步。

This is leading people to develop the skill of discernment. And let us assure you that any conspiracy theory that is not based on truth or empowerment will ultimately show itself to have many holes in it – holes that will only get bigger and bigger until the believers realize it is not taking them where they wish to go. This can be a difficult realization, but it is a necessary one in the honing of discernment. It can also be a pivotal step in people discovering their own truth and wisdom.


One of the most important things you can do as you enter into the energies of the new is to create a space of safety and understanding that allows others to change their minds. Many have been very vocal and emotionally invested in their beliefs and the realization that those beliefs do not serve them can be very painful and deeply triggering. It is also important to allow your own truths to shift along with your own evolution.


The unfoldment of everyone’s journey has been the continual replacement of old beliefs with new ones. Hold the energy of grace for those who may be feeling disillusioned and are struggling to find new beliefs that better match them and where they truly wish to go. This is a part of evolution you all go through. Be kind and gentle with others as they go through that process of discovery as it can be a difficult, yet necessary part of the journey. Your understanding and compassion can make all the difference in the world to someone who is in the throes of trying to find their own truth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

