2021年12月27日 星期一



You have been reviewing and releasing the past intensely this past year. The trick is allowing it to be done and to detach from the old stories once everything has been examined and energetically released. This means being aware of the tendency of the brain to keep going down those old, well-worn pathways by habit and consciously redirecting it toward new potentials that are now available for you due to the work you have done.


One visual you may find helpful is to imagine healing waters flowing through your past, cleansing every last bit of the old. When they are done this final cleanse, imagine those old pathways become ghosted out just like an option on your computer that was once available to you but you are no longer able to select. You can see it once existed but no longer applies to what you are doing now.

這一點非常重要,因為您已準備好迎接 2022 年的能量,不要因為習慣而拖著過去。讓你自己努力工作實現的白板。有一個治癒的時間,也有一個被治癒的時間,親愛的一們,那個時候就是現在。相信您所做的工作並為在新事物中創造而感到興奮是安全的。〜大天使加百利通過雪莉·楊

It is so important as you are poised to step into the energies of 2022 that you don’t drag the past with you out of habit. Allow yourselves the clean slates you have worked so hard to achieve. There is a time for healing, and there is a time to be healed, Dear Ones, and that time is now. It is safe to have trust in the work you have done and to get excited about creating in the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


