2021年12月1日 星期三


隨著您繼續轉變為 2022 年及以後的能量,我們強烈建議您不僅要對轉變和旅程表示感謝,還要對作為旅行者的自己表示感謝,因為沒有另一個就不可能存在。我們理解揚升疲勞是一件非常真實的事情,但作為一種引路人,你對這一切的感激讓你成為一個有意識的例子,為什麼有人想要追隨你的腳步。事實是,精疲力竭會過去,但回報會持續下去。〜大天使加百利通過雪莉·楊

As you continue to shift into the energies of 2022 and beyond, we highly recommend you incorporate not only gratitude for the shift and the journey, but also for yourself as the journeyer, for one could not exist without the other. We understand ascension fatigue is a very real thing, but as a wayshower your gratitude for all of it allows you to be a conscious example of why someone would want to follow in your footsteps. The truth is the exhaustion will pass but the rewards will last. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


If you are feeling frustrated it is because you are perceiving that you have a surplus of energy that is not creating the results you desire. While we know that can seem wrong to you, we wish for you to know that energy is just energy. It is neutral in that it can be applied anywhere you choose. If something isn’t working for you in the moment, it doesn’t mean never, it simply means not right now.


What we want you to understand is that the energy you perceive is not just earmarked for that one area, it can be used for another. This can be a huge realization for you as it opens up the doors to new possibilities and areas that are ripe for exploration.


So gather up some of the energy that is sitting there with nowhere to go and redirect it to an area where it is ready to be received. By practicing that, you will take a huge step forward in your energetic mastery. You will begin wisely directing your energy with the guidance and support of the flow. This will allow your frustration to lessen, because your soul is simply seeking expansion in whatever way is energetically supported at any given time.


Trust in the flow, Dear Ones, because its speciality is divine timing. It will always support you with your highest outcomes if you can allow yourself to accept its wisdom. Energy is abundant and you have an endless wellspring of it to play with and direct. Allow it to find where it wants to go and you will be amazed at the new lines of potential that will open up to you, all beautifully designed to serve you and your journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

