2021年12月26日 星期日



Dear Ones, you are in the throes of accelerated unfoldment. You have been for the past two years. While sometimes it may feel uncomfortably intense, and other times uncomfortably slow, it is, indeed, leading you somewhere better.


Trust the process. Trust the guidance of your soul. Trust in your own ability to move with the energies and to get where you need to be. Trust that the flow can only serve you and that its speciality is divine timing and support.

當你進入 2022 年的能量時,你將登上一個更高的平台,讓你看得更遠。拼圖的碎片將開始出現。保持舊的腳手架正在消失,取而代之的是支持新地球的更新網格和模板。您將開始感受到來自綜合治療和舊事物的釋放所帶來的廣闊。您將開始感受到登陸一個尚未探索的新地方所帶來的興奮。

As you move into the energies of 2022, you will be stepping up onto a higher platform which will allow you to see further ahead of you. Pieces of the puzzle will start to drop in. The scaffolding that kept the old in place is falling away, being replaced by updated grids and templates that support the new earth. You will start to feel the expansiveness that comes from integrated healing and the release of the old. You will start to feel the excitement that comes from landing in a new place that you have yet to explore.


These are indeed the times you had hoped and prayed for and wanted to come onto the planet to experience. Your work has been consistent and powerful and transformative. Look to the future and allow the fruits of your labour to show as you shift into allowing your beingness to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


