2019年4月21日 星期日


問候,地面團隊,我是來自昴宿星議會 - 地球揚升團隊的米拉。請感受我們昴宿

Greetings ground team, this is Mira of the Pleiadian Council of Team Ascension Earth. Please feel our Pleiadian embrace extended towards you, arms outstretched in service. We assure you we are working full time on behalf of you, humanity, and we feel great responsibility and excitement for this project of Team Earth to come into fruition. For in may ways it already has, and many celebrations are being prepared.

我們希望我們可以揭示更多,但我只想說,現在行星改變、揚升、劇變、成長的時機已經成熟。為了為新事物做好準備,舊的必須一掃而空,這正是此刻在你們地緣正治舞台上發生的。環境必須被保護。確實,我們有先進的技術,能夠極大地協助你,但我們必須與你合作。我們無法也不會去做一切,因為這會是對你自由意志的侵犯並否認了你去服務蓋亞母親(她一直對人類保有耐心和愛)的機遇。我們因她的服務向她致敬,我們因你不知疲倦的服務榮耀你。這是一個巨大的項目,伴隨著一個巨大的目標,我們很興奮和高興來宣布有著許多我們還無法談論的東西在取得進展,但這並不意味著它沒有在發生。很多東西正在發生!你們的真人秀、新聞,都不是真的!不要相信它。學會伴隨著心眼去看 --- 你不斷成長的心之空間,非常漂亮地在發展,不怎麼封閉了,比去年更多地敞開。

We wish that we are were at liberty to disclose more, but suffice it to say, now the time is ripe for planetary change, for ascension, for upheaval, for growth. For in order to prepare the new, the old must be swept away , which is precisely what is happening currently in your geopolitical arena. The environment must be protected. True, we have advanced technology that will greatly assist you, but we must partner with you. We cannot and will not do it all, for that would be a violation of your free will and deny you of the opportunity to serve your own planetary Mother Gaia, who has been ever so patient and loving toward humanity for eons. We salute her for her service and we honor you ground team for your tireless acts of service as well. This has been a tremendous project with an enormous goal and we are excited and pleased to announce that indeed much is progressing that we cannot yet speak of, but that does not mean that it is not happening. Much is happening! Your reality TV shows, your news, is not reality! Hold no credence to it. Learn to see with the eyes of your heart, your ever growing heart space that is developing nicely, much less closed, much more open even than last year.


We are pleased to be partnering up with the Arcturian councils as well regarding the development and advancement of your precious species' growth, for that is one of their specialties and they are quite good at lovingly guiding. We Pleiadians are quite good at lovingly delivering. Together we make and excellent team, just as we are a most excellent team with our grounded crew as well. All is well. All is progressing. We eagerly anticipate our reunions with you, for you our family, our friends, and we have long histories with many of you. Each of you are treasured, special, unique, and precious Source fractals that will be bursting forth with opportunities for serving the All in new and glorious, exciting ways!


Great avenues of change are here. They are being unveiled as we speak. I am Mira of the Pleiadian Council for Gaia's ascension. It is true that much change is about to begin and we hope that our grounded ones are ready for this and will hold the light, hold the love, hold the space for the others who may flounder quite a bit. We see this as a likely volatile time for earth, for humanity, but also a great opportunity for more love and expansion. For trials create strength, strength of resolve creates purpose, and purpose when coupled with love is unstoppable. It is true. We all hold you in high esteem. I am Mira. I have another meeting to attend to but we did want to reach out through this channel however briefly and reassure you that your success is assured, your strength we are counting upon and we know we will not be disappointed. You are stronger than you realize. It is time to realize it, friends. Be that strength for your time of heavy lifting is here now. I am Mira. I depart in peace.

通靈:Galaxygirl     翻譯:Nick Chan

