2017年7月12日 星期三



Discomfort before movement serves a great purpose. It prepares you to embrace change the second it arrives. If human beings felt comfortable all the time, they would never move! Expired energy prepares you to greet the new with open arms. It allows you to transition from one phase into another with much greater ease and excitement, willingly detaching from the old and embracing the new open-heartedly. It lets you experience change with relief rather than fear. ~Archangel Gabriel



Dear Ones, there is so much love for you. There is so much support for you. There is so much guidance for you. There is so much abundance for you. All of the things that you seek are right there for you. It is your level of allowance that dictates your experience.


Do you truly open up and accept love or do you feel like if you do you will get hurt, or used, or rejected in some way? Do you fully utilize the guidance that is available to you from your guides and helpers or do you decide to go it alone? Are you open to the universe bringing abundance to you in a myriad of ways or do you limit yourself by believing it can only come through certain avenues? If you have an area of your life that is not unfolding for you as easily as you would like, we suggest asking yourself what your limiting beliefs are about receiving that are constraining your flow

你是否準備好轉變為充分的信心和信任和接受體驗你可以獲得的豐富的豐富?你準備好看到你的真正價值,並作為共同創作者踏入你真正的力量嗎?你是否願意充分開放一直以來一直存在的奇妙的解決方案和經驗,那就是你根本無法想像它們是可能的,你還沒有得到補貼 〜大天使加百利

Are you ready to shift into full faith and trust and acceptance to experience the vast abundance available to you? Are you ready to see your true worthiness and step into your authentic power as a co-creator? Are you willing to fully open up to the wondrous solutions and experiences that have always existed as for you that you haven’t been in allowance of simply because you couldn’t imagine they were possible? ~Archangel Gabriel

