To discover joy, one must exploredeeply within themselves. What we observe is that there are only afew dear souls that actually enjoy each day as it comes. So manydear souls underappreciate the setting sun, the gentle rising ofthe moon or afternoon sun; or finding delight in a perfectly grownrose; or lack appreciation of a person with a genuine heart ofgold; many dear souls tend to take for granted the beauty of birdsin a joyful flight, or a tree devoid of leaves while it sleepsduring its Winter break. Much of what is natural that greets youevery day is taken for granted, rarely considered to be thought ofas a gift, or a treasure that is joyful to the eyes that fill theheart with happiness. You do have the ability to feel amused, to beexcited and to feel the perception of joy, but to comprehendenjoyment, you must go a little deeper dear ones and explore anddiscover the fundamental essence and embrace what you find joyfulentirely.
As you age, you try to enjoy lifeand the things around you, but you are often distracted by otherfeelings and sensations such as passion, being influential, havinga powerful presence or position in life or distracted by lust orover-indulgence. These are all normal things each dear soul facesand eventually overcomes as one matures both mentally andemotionally as you come to the understanding that these things aremerely superficial; they are not the real you, nor do theydemonstrate your true and pure self in any way. Even though you maybe distracted by your passions, what you lust for or by a habit youhave yet to overcome, it is vital to realize that they mustn't becondemned either, but to be understood and put in their rightfulplace. By condemning any act by you or another, what you are doingdear ones is considering them as being worthless. Even if theyderailed your journey, these things were a part of you and you arenot worthless. Yes, you must learn to let go some of yourdebilitating ways and embrace newer, lighter and love-filled waysof living and being in order to embrace change and live a life thatis fulfilling and positive. Let those old hindering ways be yourinspiration to do better, to become more and to be morejoyful.
It is well understooddear ones, that to truly know joy you must go deep within yourselfand to realize that joy is not really a sensation at all. To reallyknow joy, one is required to attain an astonishing refinement anddevelopment of your mental and emotional faculties which allowsyour Self to gather more information, more knowledge in order toillustrate the purity of your Self in all action. In order to reachsuch blissful joy, it is paramount to understand and comprehendthat joy is a natural state to be and can only be reached by pureactions, not from superficially pretending to be joyful. If onepretends to be joyful or joy-filled, then the life they demonstrateis more petty, meaningless and dull; there is not much learning tobe found and what pure amusement is to be found becomes diminishedto nothing.
Happiness and pleasure can bereached through material means, but the bliss from pure joy cannotbe bought or sold regardless if it's for you or for another person.Material happiness and pleasure is never long-lasting. Truehappiness can be sustained through total freedom through bliss thatis found by living life purely and naturally from the heart.Seeking pleasures and happiness materialistically will arrive toyou quickly and be gone just as quick, leaving you with the feelingof disappointment or with you craving for more. Understand dearones, joy that stems from pure bliss has no motive, it does notbring about cravings or yearnings. Once you have reached the stateof pure enjoyment in whatever you are doing, you realize there isno special equation to figure out, no difficult formula tounderstand…it just is as you are just being…naturallyyou.
Meditation is apractice that helps you to recognize that bliss arrives without theneed of any invitation and once all anxiety has left your body andyour busy mind is at ease, there are no demands, no pleasureseeking desires to be met…it's just you being you. When you bringpeace to your mind, you are also bringing joy to the rest of yourwhole self, ending any conflicts you may have been having withyourself or with others as you bring this state of joyfulness andpeace to the external world.
Joy can be found evenin the most mundane of days and tasks by being able to see thesimple purpose as being a beautiful part of life that you areintrinsically part of…always connected to all things. Bring peace toyour mind, to your total body and self and allow the mind it'sfreedom so you may explode inwardly into the bliss you deserve toexperience as an innocent babe enjoys seeing for the firsttime…with awe and inspiration, with love and approval as all thingscan be seen as a blessing, something to learn and to grow from andto take delight in.
Each of you are blessings, giftsfrom God and to the world before you; your light shines as brightlyas you allow it. We encourage you to embrace yourselves as thegifts you are to one another, appreciate yourself within eachmoment and see that every day has the potential to fill your senseswith delight, pure bliss and joy that is shared with by God as itis God who is bestowing you with gifts to embrace and rejoicein.
通靈:Julie Miller 翻譯:Nick Chan