Dear ones, we come forth again after some time with nomessages from us.
We needed to leave you settle into the new energiesenveloping your planet for some time, and also there was quite alot of things going on behind the scenes, involving currenciesupdate and finance resetting of the monetary system.
Weare aware of the fact that many of you are desperately awaitingchange. This change needs to be on the spiritual matter, but alsoon a more practical matter in order for all your earthly needs tobe met, in order to provide a sense of security for youall.
The behind the scenes work continues, and we do have hopethat the Earth teams will coordinate their efforts towards a globalfinance resetting that would affect the entire planet on a largescale.
We hope to reach out to many countries, and to diminishthe sense of inequality in the world between the existingcountries. We would like to see an evenly spread of wealth andcapital across the planet. We would like to see the end of povertyand injustice on your planet , however, knowing who is at the top ofthe cabal pyramid, we already know that they are doing all thatthey can to stop our efforts for a fair, just and equitable lifestyle on your planet.
With this message we wanted to give you a renewed senseof hope that greater plans are at work, but also to point out thatour operatives operate under the highest standards of etiquette,they are honest, hardworking people, trying to fit into a societythat is continuously trying to block their every move towardsequality.
Forthat reason, we have been encouraging most of you to continuecarrying on with their daily jobs, to continue supporting theirfamily, to continue paying bills and rents or mortgages. As long asthe cabal has the upper hand, the Earth population has to continueabiding by their rules , although many are doing their best to putan end to the cabal's ruling on your planet. We support that effortand encourage you greatly to become financially independent, togrow your own food, to become more and more independent of thesystem that the cabal has set up into place in order to ensure thatyou remain under their control for all your basic needs.
We support your independence in all matters: independencefor food, for finance, for energy, for transportation, forspirituality, for health and healing and for education. You cancreate a much better world than the one the cabal wishes to keepyou tied up to for the rest of your existence.
You are divine beings responding to love, care,compassion and support. The cabal is unable to understand yourneeds, you need to care for those needs with one another, with thehelp of other spiritual workers, in love and incompassion.
We encourage you to go within and find the light thatwill guide you out of troublesome times, we encourage you to pursuehigher level of consciousness, to expand your knowledge andconsciousness, we encourage you to be one, to love and to aspire toevolve and grow into your full potential.
Link and connect with the life within you, that energy isjoyful, happy and connected to all the higher levels from thehigher realms. Connect to your higher self, find peace andunderstanding within. In time, you will understand that all in liferevolves around love and around the lack of love. When you can findlove within, you can find love around you as well, you can spreadlove, kindness, understanding and care for each other. Thosequalities will defeat the cabal, and any other darker powers thatwish to settle over the planet .
Walk upon your planet with consciousness; feel that youare a multidimensional being, as such you are making a differenceupon your planet and upon Mother Earth. The higher your level ofvibrations towards consciousness, the higher the quality of thevibrations spread upon the planet, the more love and joy you willbe able to bring upon your world.
All planets are conscious beings, that communicate thanksto vibrations with the organic being living upon it or at itsheart. Organic life helps raise awareness of a planet, which meansthat your vibrations are food for the heart and soul of MotherEarth. Learn to walk consciously, learn to step upon your planetwith consciousness, and you will hear Mother Earth's support andvoice.
Iam SaLuSa from Sirius, and I pray for a global liberation uponMother Earth and for the wellbeing of all souls living on yourplanet.