As the energy of thedivine field of Love continues to intensify all across the planet,bringing enormous changes to how you perceive one another, expectworld peace now! Because more than 95% ofhumanity most earnestly intend for it to materialize it will comeinto being. It is your naturalstate. War and conflict are not, but haveenveloped you because your sense of separation has filled you withfear.
That fear is liftingbecause so many of you have, over the last several decades, met freely with people fromother races, creeds, cultures, and religious faiths and discoveredthat you have far more in common with one another than you hadimagined, and have realized that what divides you is simply fearand distrust of the unknown. And you now see thatthat is not something you need to fear. Theunknown is yourself, the shadow side that has been buried anddenied by every single human being, the normal desires and feelingsthat being human entails.
What you all really want is to beloved, unconditionally, and in your separated state you have closeddown your awareness that you are eternally and unconditionallyloved by God Who is Love. That is what separationmeans – a strongly felt absence of Love! Separation itself isunreal!
The love that thevast majority of humans experience is always conditional, and thatis not Love. The result is that there is not oneamongst you who has not at some stage felt deep within themselves asense of abandonment, of worthlessness, and that is so intenselypainful that you have had to bury it and deny it.
Even those of you whoare consciously following a spiritual path based on God's infiniteand unconditional Love for all of creation, do, like all others,experience that sense of abandonment, ofworthlessness. We in the spiritual realms, nolonger trapped in form, keep reminding you, through those lovingsouls who act as channels or go-betweens twixt humanity and thespiritual realms – Reality – that your underlying sense ofworthlessness, of not good enough is utterlyunwarranted.
As divine creations of aninfinitely loving God none of those anxieties and self-doubts are,or ever were or could be, in any way valid. Loveis everything that exists, there is nowhere beyond or outside ofLove, and as we keep telling you Love is always without conditionsof any kind. And every single one of you is heldsecurely and eternally within the field of divine Love.
You have an oldsaying “all is fair in love and war,” (The proverb “All is fair inlove and war” has been attributed to Lyly's Euphues, published in1578). And many of you have at times fought forthe love of another thinking that it was “the honorable thing todo,” because you thought it showed that you were serious, and thatthe one for whose love you fought would thereby beimpressed. That attitude led to and encouragedwar – “love of country,” a political slogan to divide and conquer,“love of God” a religious slogan with the same aim.
Humanity'sinterpretation of love and its apparent meaning has caused untoldsuffering over the eons, but that insane interpretation has beenslowly unraveling, mainly as a result of the increased amount ofquestioning that self righteousness and dogma have been exposed toover the last few hundred earth years.
Initially to question “authority”was severely frowned upon, mainly by those who consideredthemselves to be the authorities. But, morerecently, the slogan “question all authority” has gained anunstoppable and irresistible momentum, leading to whistleblower'srevelations about the endemic corruption worldwide that those inpositions of worldly power have engaged in and kept hidden from thepopulace for eons.
Lust has beenmistaken for love for a very long time, and because of theintensity of that feeling and desire – for sex, property, money, orpower (all of which can become irresistible addictions, and, ofcourse, all addictions are simply desperate calls for Love ) – ithas tended to override and in fact crush or bury the normalfeelings of honesty and integrity which are absolutely essential inrelationships of any kind and at any level.
You were all createdfree by God. You then used your freedom to buildthe illusion – an unreal place of severe limitation – immersedyourselves in it, learned to believe that it was real, and thenalmost convinced yourselves that it was the onlyreality. Some of your scientists are stillworking very hard to prove that that is indeed the case!
It is this growingawareness throughout humanity, although frequently not yet clearlyexpressed, that Love is your nature and that Love is the onlysolution to any issues or problems, that is leading you forwardstowards your awakening with such rapidity. Thatmoment is close.
The wondrous effectsthat the Tsunami of Love is bringing about all across the world arequite amazing, and all of you are aware of at least some ofthem. When doubts arise within you about Reality,Love, God, the divine Source, and the plan for humanity's imminentawakening, remind yourselves of the occurrences or events of whichyou are aware that prove conclusively for you that you are notbeing misled, that you are not insane.
Ask for a Love squeeze from yourfavorite saint, angel, the divine Mother, Jesus, or to whomsoeverit is that you address your worries and concerns. Expect to be comforted, to feel the Love that envelops you, and youwill. Even the slightest or faintest impressionor sensation you experience is the result of your call to us and ofour instantaneous response. You are never alone,forgotten, or abandoned, it is just your immersion within theillusion that produces that sensation.
Continue to hold theintention for yourselves and for humanity toawaken. You are on Earth at this moment to dojust that. You knew that you would find it verydifficult at times because the illusion seems so dark, soimpenetrable. But you also knew that you couldnot and would not fail because you are never alone as you hold yourbrilliant Light on high, showing the way to so many who, withoutyour Light and your Love, would have given up. OnEarth, as humans, you really can have no idea of the immensity ofyour power and how it is spreading constantly across the worldbringing hope, comfort, and yes, certainty, to so many who wouldotherwise succumb to the numbing unbelief that the illusion feedson.
You are all divinelyhonored, blessed, and filled with Grace in every moment, and thetask you have set yourselves under God's constant guidance will beachieved exactly as God intends. No other outcome is remotelypossible.
伴隨著大量的愛,索爾 With so very much love,Saul.