2013年11月26日 星期二



Greetings fellowbeings of light! I come to you now as we are approaching veryclosely in your linear timelines to a point of great celestialinfluences.


The comet that yourearth scientists have labeled ISON, which is a clear and obviousclue to the adepts, is brightening and is now just moments awayfrom either the end of its journey, or to emerge and begin anothercycle. This will represent a shift in the linear timeline you arecurrently experiencing. Should the comet and your sun star merge,its energy will be projected through the solar disc and thentransmitted to your solar system. If it emerges from around thesun, and begins a new cycle, it shall then make a close approach toearth , close enough to effect the planet and its inhabitants morethan it has so far.


This is going to be acosmic crossroads if you will. Some of you will be going to anothertimeline, others will remain upon this one, and still others willbe going to realms where there is no longer any chronicle of time,thus, there will be no timeline for them to continue upon. Thiswill occur between the perihelion and perigee of the comet, many ofyou are starting to feel the shifting already. The effects of suchstellar environments are greatly ignored by your media and cabal,as they defy their current sciences and doctrines . For example,there are vast crystal caverns underground in your planet. Thesegreatly affect your perceptions of both space and time. Stellar andcosmic events can alter these crystalline caverns under you, asabove, so below.


I come to speak alsoof sacred geometry. The foundation of all spectrums of light,holograms and images. Even the most complex of holograms can bemade simple by the use of sacred geometry. One must simply look atthem in the most simple of ways. For example a fifth dimensionalhypercube appears to be a very complex shape, however, to theadept, it is seen in all dimensions. The adept can see itsfoundation in 2 dimensions, which is but a square. This is a greatclue as to how all is connected within the chrono-quantumtransdimensional holosynthetic. Apply this to all you see andencounter, and you too, shall begin to see beyond the quantum veil.Quantum and Fractal are in fact, the same thing, one is simplymeasured in quantity, and the other in motion.


Many of the greatmysteries of the multiverse are now being revealed. When one canaffirm them, one begins to see how they were right in front of themthe whole time. There are clues in everything you see andexperience, in every moment. Discernment is the only variable . Foran example I offer you my own archetype. In many of the chroniclesof your world, the entity known as Hermes shares many qualitieswith other entities. The stance of as above, so below, the garmentworn around the crown, the moon, the staff, these are all shared byhumanoid hosts of the oversoul entity. Thoth for example, the moonupon his crown, known for his knowledge and wisdom. The sun, moonand earth environment is crucial to your every day experiences.When one looks up to the sun, they "feel". When one looks up to themoon, they "think", these are obvious examples of such clues beingall around you. Think of the sun as a projector of white light,think of the moon as a prism to reflect the sunlight to the earth.The Buddha himself once declared, that three things cannot behidden long, the sun, the moon, and the truth. Indeed, he wascorrect.


I come lastly with amessage for all those who are feeling the shift. Your guidescontinue to walk with you, every choice and action you make, theyare there, watching and documenting. It is common knowledge inquantum physics that matter changes upon observation. What is notyet well known however, is that when matter becomes aware that itis being observed, not only does it change its behavior, but italso changes the behavior of the observer. Meaning as you continueto make choices that raise your vibration and consciousness, yourguides are also experiencing similar changes. This is fractalquantum entanglement becoming manifest.


The rainbow lightcodes continue to be broadcast full spectrum. Within them are thekeys and tones that shall bring you closer to alignment with yourgreatest virtues. Remember to channel your discernment in fractal,quantum, multidimensional ways. Each color is also a tone, a key, aform, a frequency and a vibration. Everything, is also somethingelse. Within you, is a multiverse all of its own, on a scale ofmicro, nano, and beyond. You house within you all of infinity, allthat was, is, and ever will be, is now within you, and also withoutyou, all around you. Which aspects will you choose to align with?This is the blessing given to humanity, free will to make thesechoices, and then live with them.

In infinite love, Iam looking at you this way. Blessings in light!


通靈:Sirian ArchangelHermes  翻譯:NickChan

