2013年10月31日 星期四

大天使薩基爾與紫水晶夫人20131029 你在意識擴張中的獨特角色


This is ArchangelZadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love andLight from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation.Today, we wish to discuss your unique role in the expansion ofconsciousness.


Your unique rolebegins with your own expanding consciousness. Your point ofconsciousness is your guiding force. It is your source of joy,inspiration, and direction. It guides you and defines you as anindividual. It determines your vibrational level and defines yourSoul Signature.


Your own consciousness begins toexpand when you live consciously.


Living consciouslymeans being aware of each moment and your role in this moment. Youare aware of where you are and what you are doing. You are aware ofhow your thoughts, intentions, and actions fit with the largerscope of the consciousness of humanity. You are centered withinyourself, and you are also aware that your consciousness extendsbeyond yourself.


For example, you maysee a rose. You are aware of its deep red color, its sweetfragrance, its backdrop of green leaves, and the dew on the petals.You then shift your awareness to the enjoyment that the rose bringsto everyone who sees it and how it lifts their spirits – how itbrightens their day and helps them to increase their consciousnessas they go about the activities of the day. ​​Their increasedconsciousness expands out to affect everyone with whom theyinteract.


This same concept ofexpansion of consciousness and interconnectedness can be seen inthe ocean. You may be sitting on the beach, and a wave crashesgently around your feet. You feel the cool water and then watch asit moves back into the ocean. The waves go in and out in acontinuing motion, and you enjoy the peacefulness of theexperience. As you watch the in-and-out motion of the waves, yourealize that the water in these waves will eventually move aroundthe planet in a harmonious rhythm of interconnectedness. The energyof your interaction with the waves will be carried around theworld.


If you enjoy feeling the lappingof the waves on your feet, you will experience happiness andappreciation for the water. However, if you are irritated that thewaves got your feet wet, you will send an entirely different energyto the water. Whatever the feeling and vibration that you send –whether it is happiness and appreciation or, conversely, irritation– will be absorbed by the water and eventually be carried to thenext person who experiences the waves. It will also affect thewater itself.


When you expressappreciation for the ocean, for a rose, or for any other part ofnature, your vibration blends with the elements and affects thevery nature of them. A loving and harmonious vibration can helpeach element to perform its role to its fullest ability.


So you see,everything is interconnected. There is no separation. Separation isjust an illusion – a trick that the ego plays on you to cause youto compare yourself with others rather than seeing theinterconnectedness.


When you realize theinterconnectedness of everything, you become more aware of the roleof each person, plant, animal, and mineral in creation. You becomeaware of how your thoughts and actions affect the other parts ofcreation. You can sense the subtle energy that connectseverything.


This leads you to beaware of your own role in the evolution of consciousness. You mayperform your same daily routine, but you do it with an increasedawareness of your role in humanity and creation. It is yourincreased awareness that brings you to a new level of expandedconsciousness .


You become aware thatyour thoughts and emotions carry a vibration that can have animpact on others around you. The energy of your thoughts willcreate your Energetic Signature and presence. It surrounds you andis with you wherever you are.


For example, you mayenter a room where there has been tension or irritation. When youenter the room, whatever vibration you carry also enters the roomwith you. If you are feeling calm, peaceful, and relaxed, yourvibration will extend out to those who are already in the room.Your peaceful vibration can help to ease the tension and irritationthat is present in the room. The energy of your vibration hasblended with the energy of others to create a newvibration.


As you become awareof the impact that one person can have, your own consciousnessincreases to a higher level. You may realize that when you enter atense situation, you can either feel tension yourself or you canremain peaceful. Your choice first affects the way you feelindividually. Whatever you choose to feel will first affect yourown vibration. Then your vibration extends to those alreadypresent. As the group moves into a larger situation, the energy ofthe group blends with other groups to create an entirely newenergy. Everything is part of something larger.


When you realize how the vibrationof the energy is always extending, you can play an important rolein the expansion of consciousness by understanding how your ownenergy not only affects yourself but also ripples out to thosearound you and to the larger vibration of the planet. The winds ofenergy move around the planet to create a globalvibration.


Your expansion ofconsciousness begins with your awareness of yourself as anindividual. You understand how your response to events creates yourEnergetic Signature. You understand that consciously creating andmaintaining a calm, loving, and peaceful vibration provides you aninner knowing that allows you to conduct yourself in the highestway possible. This allows you to consciously monitor your thoughtsand intentions. You are creating a consciousness of managing yourown vibration.


You are aware thateach person or group also has an Energetic Signature, even thoughthey​​ may or may not be aware of it. Your awareness allows you toexpand your consciousness and realize that each person orindividual is where they are at the moment and that they areoperating from their own perspective. You do not need to agree ordisagree with what they are doing. Your awareness remains centeredon your own inner guidance and on highest good. As you do this,your consciousness expands to see how your vibration affects youpersonally, how it affects those around you, and how it ripples outto humanity. You can view situations from the microcosm to themacrocosm. You understand the interconnectedness of everything thatis, and you are a beautiful Light for the harmonious expansion ofconsciousness.


Beloved Ones, wehonor you for your role in the expansion ofconsciousness.

知曉你被極大地愛著   Know you are greatlyloved.


WE ARE ArchangelZadkiel and Lady Amethyst


…and We surround youwith love

就是如此  And so itis.


通靈:Linda Robinson  翻譯:Nick Chan

