2015年9月7日 星期一



Dear Ones, we invite you to stop right now andask yourselves what in your lives do you expect to behard? Do you believe itwill be hard to find love? Hard to heal? Hard to enlighten? Hard topay your bills?


We invite you to takethe opportunity to re-examine and clean up your expectations. Whyon earth do you expect things to be difficult? Because they werebefore? Then you've already had the experience of difficulty. Thereis no need to perpetuate it.


You are all doingsuch a marvellous job of stepping into being conscious creators!Allow yourselves to truly be aware of all of your expectations, andadjust them to reflect the far more empowered person you are todaythan when that experience first entered your life. You areinfinitely powerful to create above and beyond any old fears andpatterns, as long as you have the wisdom to recognize how you arelimiting yourself, and are willing to make room for far greaterresults than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vvwy.html


The idea that you need struggle to grow and evolve is based on the idea that you need to earn your worth. What if the true work was simply accepting your innate worthiness, your divine birthright, your truth as an individuated aspect of Source? It is what we call finding your way back Home to yourself, and it is from that sacred space you will recognize you have everything, and are everything, you could ever need, and all that is left to do is to BE. ~Archangel Gabriel


