2015年9月29日 星期二



We come to you in celebration as the X-wave energies are flooding into your earth plane changing all around you. How this waves affects you is completely different for each person and we understand that this may create uncertainty and doubt into your field. Some of you are making profound leaps in your thinking and achieving astonishing clarity. Others are feeling more of the energies and the joy that this brings as you move and connect with the unified field. Others are feeling physical symptoms that overshadow much in their intensity. Some are not feeling much with this wave and this has created fear. Understand that all are being affected by this wave in varying degrees and none are being "left behind". This belief is only an illusion that creates fear and limits your ability to take in the energies that are surrounding you in these moments.


Think on a symphony performance. When you are sitting far away you are able to hear the music but not distinguish the individual instruments. As you move closer to the music you are then able to distinguish individual instruments but when you move even closer still you are able to distinguish the subtle harmonies and undertones. This relates directly to your vibration and the amount of density you have cleared from your form. You are only able to distinguish and utilize what your vibrational level is able to process in these moments. For some that means front row seats at the symphony and for others it means hearing it play softly in the background. Neither is right nor wrong but perfect for where you are in your development.


Understand that while this wave is creating a momentum of clearing and growth and its strength will dissipate the codes that accompanied the wave will not leave your earth. Therefore as you progress onward on your journey you will be able to access all the codes when you are ready. For even those that are only hearing the symphony from far away will eventually hear it as if they are in the front row seats once they are ready. As each of you clear more density and fear from your form, thereby liberating your highest aspect to merge more completely, you will naturally access the codes that are being grounded into your earth at this time. There is no reason to fear that a window of opportunity has been missed. Allow yourself to be exactly where you are, resisting little, fearing little and you will then open yourself up to receiving all that you are capable to receive at this time.

對於那些正發現自己處於與深度的情緒交織糾纏的人,他 ​​們的生活局勢正變得難以承受,我們請你們把這些局勢看作是一份禮物。在這些時刻中那些導致你處於最大混亂的情形是在幫助你挖掘出一直被深深埋葬的,也許甚至是向你隱瞞的問題。這可能會十分的擾亂人心,因為你正與自己需要改變或是釋放的自我面向達成妥協。在每個時刻,你都有著一份選擇。一個人能夠對這些情緒和環境大發脾氣,把這看作是不公平,或是你能夠靜靜的接納那些甚至是最為痛苦的局勢和互動,其實是設計用來幫助你的。在觀點的明晰上處於感恩態度的表達,這些在不斷揭示的隱藏情緒必須被予以療愈,你才可以通過這些課程走得更快。

For those that are finding their interactions are rousing deep emotions and whose life situations are becoming unbearable, we ask that you view these situations as a gift. It is in these moments that those that cause you the most turmoil are helping to excavate what has been buried deep, perhaps hidden even to yourself. This can be very unsettling as you are coming to terms with aspects of yourself that need changing or releasing. In each moment you have a choice. One can rage against the emotions and the circumstances, seeing the injustice or one can quietly acknowledge that even the most painful situations and interactions is designed to help. In expressing gratitude for the clarity of vision, the uncovering of hidden emotions that must be healed, you will move through the lesson much faster.

你們中的許多人正感受到自過去,過去的記憶,局勢和關係上的拉扯。這些正不斷被內在推動,如此你便可以檢驗它們,請發現這些課程的目的和意圖---你不再需要把這些繼續的在自身的世界中帶向前方。一旦你得到完全的解決和療愈,你會發現自己自然不會再攜帶這些痛苦前進,僅僅只有靈魂 ​​的體驗。以這樣的方式,你便是得到一次機會,經由把過去那不再需要的一切拋下而讓自己獲得自由。請允許這波神奇無比的浪潮協助你去清理所有這些在全新時代中不再從屬的編碼。當一段未受邀請的記憶浮現,去發掘其中的課程和這份禮物,並以單純的“覺察”簡單的讓它通過。正是由它引發了情緒在每個時刻進入你的創造中。你擁有力量通過地球上的所有生命體驗,那些已教導的,讓你回憶起你到底是誰。

Many of you are feeling the pull of the past, past memories, situations and relationships. These are being pulled from within so that you may examine them, look at the lesson intended and purposely decide that you no longer need to bring this forward into your world. Once you have completely resolved and healed you will find that you naturally do not carry the pain forward, only the soul experience. In this way, you are being given an opportunity to set yourself free by leaving in the past what no longer needs to be brought forward. Allow this wave of incredible energy to aid you in working through all that does not belong in the new. When a memory comes unbidden, look at the lesson, the gift and simply let it pass with simple observation. It is emotion that brings it into what you are creating in every moment. You have the power to move through all life on earth has taught and remember who you are.

伴隨以巨大的喜悅和歡慶之情   With tremendous joy and celebration,

觀音   Quan Yin


