2015年6月9日 星期二


摯愛的人們 :  Beloved Ones,


Asthe days move forward there will continue to be more weatheranomalies as the Earth strives to bring balance within. There aremany ancient energies that were buried in the past now beingbrought to the surface. These are recognizable as feelings ofsadness, anxiousness and worry, for in the past, many were thepeople who lived in constant fear, for their lives were not theirown. They were subjugated and literally owned by others whocontrolled their daily lives with an iron fist. There was noempathy or regard for the sanctity of their lives and their livescould at any time be destroyed.


Thisenergy is rising in the collective consciousness of humanity and isexperienced with a feeling of heaviness, the sense of heavy burdenswhich are hard to dissipate and clear. Know, DearOnes, these are temporary in nature andtry not to become engaged when and if, they surface, in yourthoughts and feelings. They are being cleared from the collectivefield by those who volunteered for this task. When one is aware ofwhat is happening, it becomes easier to deal with it. Awarenessmeans self-empowerment. It means that you were deemed able totransmute these energies through the power of love.


Asthese deep layers are brought to the surface, more revelations arealso exposed to the awareness of humanity. All that wassuccessfully hidden by those individuals who misused their power intimes past can no longer keep it suppressed from public scrutiny.Humanity in general is waking up to the realization that theirworld is much different than they were told and perceived it was.Everyone is growing weary with the constant changes takingplace.


Thesechanges are bringing to light all that needs to be addressed in theworld systems in order that more equitable and enlightenedpractices replace all that is not serving the individual andgreater good of Earth's inhabitants. It is a challenging endeavourbut will become easier as these reformations occur. There will comea time when the consensus amongst all the people of the world willbe that peace is their highest priority.
Asit takes root, stay strong and steadfast as that consensus becomesthe new reality here on Earth. Your loving efforts are bringing itever closer.

Untilnext week…   I AM Hilarion

譯者U2覺醒  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b9a886d70102vgo7.html

