2015年6月18日 星期四



Release any need to cling to the status quo. You are beingasked to let go into the power of Light, which will allow you tolive in your Truth.

親愛的 :    DearOne,


It is a new time. It is a new moment. When you cling to the statusquo, you are clinging to the way things used to be. Sometimes itfeels safer to hold to the old way. Change can be frightening andyet, is your world not changing constantly? In holding on to thestatus quo, you are clinging to a thought of how something used tobe, when you have the power to change it for the better this verymoment.


There is tremendous power in your thoughts. A thought islike a prayer to the universe, asking for what you want. If yourthoughts are unconscious, if fears play a large part in what goeson in your mind, in effect you are asking for the things thatfrighten you to come into your life.


Fearis part of the status quo and the greatest fear seems to be of theunknown. Yet it is not possible to always know exactly what is tobe. You are being to asked to let go of your fears and to allow thepower of the light of God to guide, nourish and protect you. Letting go is a moment to moment process. It is surrendering to theflow of life. Let go into the light, which is the flow of Godmoving within you at every moment. The Divine Presence is the onlyconstant in the midst of change. This is a truth you can trust. Isnot the power of light and love a greater attraction than fear anddoubt? It is your attachment to wanting things never to change thatholds you back.


Simplyask clearly for what you want from the Higher Power and the Angels.All the assistance you need is available to you, if you but ask.When you are free from old fears and attachments, you will know thefreedom and joy of your truth. Your truth is always what makes youhappy, and this is Divine Will for you at all times—God wants youto be happy. Pray to live in the light of your truth. Know that you are divinelyguided at all times. Ask for assistance to let go of fears that nolonger serve you. Allow the grace of the Angels to work through youknowing you are profoundly loved.



Release any need to cling to the status quo. You are being asked tolet go into the power of Light, which will allow you to live inyour Truth.

由 Shanta Gabriel 於2015年6月14日傳遞

譯者U2覺醒  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b9a886d70102vh4f.html

