2015年6月23日 星期二


摯愛的人們 :  Beloved Ones,


Each of you is coming closer to a stronger connection withyour divine essence and this will help you feel more stable thanhas been evident in the past several months. This process isopening new doors of perception which will help you to move forwardonce again. There is ever the ebb and flow in the energetic wavesthat move through your personal and planetary cycles. As you becomeaware of these and how they affect you, you align with theirinfluences and act accordingly. As you do this, life becomes moreharmonious and pleasant. The people around you are more responsiveto you and show you their appreciation and love. When you are intune with your personal energy cycles, life becomes an everexpanding adventure of new experience. This new state of beingrequires its recipient to be willing to go beyond their establishedcomfort zones and take the steps necessary into newdirections.


Ittakes courage and bravery to move past one's former patterns oflimitation and to begin taking action to forge a new path as oneleaves behind all that one experienced in their lives, to make astart in the new beginning that beckons themforward. Allow the self doubt andindecision to dissipate as to the right path you must follow; itwill unfold in its own divine timing. It is difficult, we know, tofocus on just one thing, as your senses are assailed by creativethoughts and ideas. Spend time in the outdoors, sitting quietly andexperiencing the sights and sounds that array your senses. Thishelps to ground your energies and keep you aligned to your divineessence. The next step will be made clear to you through thisactivity of keeping things simple. Know that there are many loving,supportive, and nurturing energy beings constantly surrounding you.All is in the process of the unfolding story of your personal andcollective lives.


Wefind that many of you are now experiencing the return of theenergetic flow through your human operating system. For many ofyou, this was a missing ingredient that felt like a disconnectionfrom source energy. This process was necessary in order to give youthe time needed to absorb, assimilate and integrate the newdownloads of information and activati​​ons that are being sent onwaves of love. This process is ongoing, sometimes it comes as greatenergy flow and at other times, as a time of rest. Life is acontinuous cycle with valleys and peaks and there is always motion,even when you don't feel it. Follow the signs your physical bodygives you, for these are important to listen to for your continuedhealth and well being on all levels of interplay.


Youare going through a rebirth and your body, mind and spirit arebeing brought into alignment and connection so that you canmanifest a greater reality than you have previously known. You arein a process of regeneration and transformation that offers you anopportunity to express yourselves in new ways. Seize these momentsas they manifest in your lives for they bring to the surface newtreasures from your soul. It is always up to you to choose how yougrow, move forward and expand in your conscious awareness andevolvement; there is no one else who can do it for you. When youcommit to taking a new direction, what you need to manifest it willbe drawn to you.


Experience the joy and fulfillment that comes withcreation and expect the unexpected - for your life can take a newturn miraculously. In your new beginning, you are reaching a newlevel of understanding which is helping you to reach new dimensionswithin. By following your inner wisdom and listening to your innerguidance, you will achieve success in all of your endeavours. Allthat is required is your active involvement and that is the keythat unlocks your great potential.

Untilnext week…   I AM Hilarion

譯者U2覺醒   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b9a886d70102vh9h.html

