2015年6月1日 星期一




翻譯:NickChan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vmy8.html


When you yearn for the energies of Home, what youare really yearning for is the energy of complete and totalacceptance, exactly as you are. You can create this to a great extent foryourself, by loving yourself unconditionally and embracing yourunique energy and offerings. Spend time in the activities thatbring you joy. Give yourself permission to be you. Shine in yourtruth, and you will be able to draw to you the others who recognizeand appreciate you just as you are. But most of all, give yourselfacceptance and unconditional love first, and you will be anchoringthe energies of heaven on earth, and embodying the very things youmost wish to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

翻譯:Nick Chan  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vn2y.html


DearOnes, you are all in a time of acceleration right now.Some of you are already navigatingtangible change in your lives. Others may feel like not much ishappening at all, but let us assure you there is much activity thathas not yet broken into your conscious awareness. You simply cannotgo through the energies you are in right now without massive changeand transformation happening.


Trust. If you are ina period of action, trust that everything that is unfolding for youhas a great purpose in your life and that the universe is alwaysconspiring to help you. If you are in a waiting period, trust thatgreat progress is being made and will become apparent to you whenthe timing is perfect, and that the universe is always conspiringto help you. Do you see? There is never, ever a time when you arenot being loved and assisted. Your ability to trust, staysurrendered, and apply what you know , will have everything to dowith how comfortably you will navigate the movement suchacceleration always brings. ~Archangel Gabriel


