2015年6月4日 星期四

耶穌20150601 你總是處於神之中


Excitement mounts asthe moment for “The Event” approaches. Many of you are not feelingthe excitement, and it seems to you that the imminence ofhumanity's awakening has been horribly overstated.


It has not! Just try to releaseyour need for a time-line because it anchors you very firmly in theillusion from which you are in the process of awakening. It is alittle as though your alarm clock had rung to wake you but you hitthe snooze button as you groaned “not yet!” Many of you are far toocomfortable snoozing on as you complain that nothing of note isever going to happen.


Remember, what youfocus on is what you experience, so focus on your intent to awakenfrom the dream, because that is what you incarnated to do. Andhumanity will awaken with you.


There is only One Will, God's. Youare always in alignment with His Will because you are inseparablyOne with Him, just as you were created, and nothing can changethat. Of course this does not seem to be the case as you continueto maintain and cling to the dream of separation. It is a veryconvincing dream, an absolute nightmare of betrayal, pain, andsuffering; and an ongoing denial of Reality is an essential intentthat you regularly reaffirm in the maintenance of thisunreality.


Your modernpsychologists will confirm for you that denial is part of cognitivedissonance, the state in which your basic beliefs are in conflictwith each other, and you have to deny one forcefully to enable youto believe in the other if you are to be able to live in any formof peace with yourself. However, this solution is only temporary,and the need to engage in denial intensifies, leading eventually toaddiction and or insanity.


As we have said so often theillusion is insane, and you no longer truly want to maintain it,you want to wake up. Deep within you the flame of divine Love isalways burning, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for you,for any human to ignore It. It is Love, a Light that is so intenseIt cannot be ignored, It can only be denied until the dissonancewithin becomes unbearable, unmaintainable, and Its brillianceoverwhelms a person.


A personalcatastrophe such as a severe illness or accident, the loss of aloved one, or a near death experience can initiate a breakout fromthe state of denial that seems to have served someone well. Whenthat happens it is wonderfully shocking!


Humanity hascollectively made the decision to awaken and it is presently in theongoing state of putting that decision into effect. As a resultmany strange and confusing events are unfolding around you, eventsthat seem weird and unconnected.
People everywhere are changingtheir attitudes and behaviors, seemingly unaccountably, and theyare giving up or redefining the images they have long maintained astheir public personae as they “come out” and allow the Love burningwithin them to be seen and expressed publicly.


That is the reasonfor the increasingly pervasive air of excitement that nearlyeveryone is feeling but cannot put adequately into words, a feelingthat appears unsupportable by any “normal” occurrences in dailylife. Nothing seems to have changed, and yet everything feels quitedifferent.
Maybe it would bemore appropriate to say that an air of eager anticipation is abroadrather than excitement, but a sense of excitement is building andwill soon be uncontainable.


You have been praying and hopingfor a return to Reality since the moment of separation. Within theillusion that appears to have occurred eons ago, but in Truth itwas but a moment ago.
It is extremelydifficult for you to make sense of that enormous time discrepancybecause time is one of the bulwarks of the illusion, and like it isunreal.


Nevertheless, you allexperience time constantly passing or dissolving, making it appearvery real. But your modern science has shown that it is unreal, arelative component of an environment that is composed purely ofenergy that appears to be and in fact feels very solid, very real, in the relatively small quantities that coalesce to form a planetin the vastness of seemingly empty space.


Some of you have had terrifyingdreams of falling endlessly through dark empty space where you areutterly alone, and that was how the illusion was experiencedoriginally– as nothing! That was too extreme andso you built physicality into the illusion to, as it were, give yousomething to hold on to, to cling to.


Over eons of time theillusion developed, as suggested in the Big Bang theory, to providean environment in which the game of separation that you chose toplay could grow and develop, reducing to a certain extent the senseof terror that pure emptiness, nothingness, separation initiallyestablished.
After that initialand horrifying shock you made the choice to return to Unity, and todo so the illusion was developed to seemingly provide a path orshow the way.


History tells of the many attemptsthat ancient cultures over the eons have made to identify andpersonify Reality by inventing gods with whom you could communicateif you behaved appropriately, or to whom you could pray fordeliverance from the illusion which seemed so real andthreatening.


You are always in thePresence of God, because, as you have so often been told, God,Love, pure energy is all that exists, and It is totally unlimitedin any way, It just is!


You are eternallyembraced by and enveloped in that divine state, lovingly held ininfinite joy, in Reality where all exists in perfect unchangingharmony. But the illusion is like a heavy veil that you insertedbetween yourself and God, and you are now in the process ofremoving it.


As we have said, time is asillusory as the illusion, and your separation from Source, fromGod, was but a momentary excursion into a place that does not existfollowed by your instant return to Reality.
It was a little likewhen you go into another room to get your spectacles, a book, yourwallet, and on arrival you forget what you came for, a fleetinglapse of consciousness and memory occurs. That is what the illusionis – a fleeting lapse of consciousness ormemory !


Now it is time foryou to recover from that memory lapse, and you are feeling a senseof anticipation or expectation. That feeling has always been withyou as you have lived your countless human lives– “I feel sure that something is missing, butwhat?” And so you have turned to your origins your spiritualessence for assistance.


That spiritual essence is One withGod, with all of creation, and so when you contact a favoritesaint, a guide, an angel, or a departed loved one in prayer, orwhen you go within to your most holy sanctuary you are in factmaking contact with the real You, the unseparated aspect of Godthat is your divine and eternal nature.


Who You are neverchanges or alters, you just had a momentary lapse of consciousnessfrom which you are about to awaken, and then awareness of Realitywill come flooding in filling you with untold joy. Don't hit thesnooze button again, it is time to wake and enjoy Unityconsciousness once more. Your welcome Home will astoundYou.

你珍愛的兄長,耶穌  Your loving brother,Jesus.


通靈:John Smallman   翻譯:Nick Chan

