2015年6月8日 星期一

瑞亞女神20150531 知曉你的天性


Know what your truth is. Standbehind the truth of you….the truth that is inside of you; be thetruth that you are, of the seeker of truth and of the finder oftruth.


Truth is as naturalas the naturalness of nature. It is steady and real and does notrequire exaggerated words or pretty pictures. The truth is what itis. What is your truth is your truth, yet many tarnish the truthwith illusion, greed, envy and self- centeredness. The inner truthrequires none, it is what it is. It is you being justyou.


Those that walk theirtruth in every step and of every word and thought from the positionof their heart make dreams happen, they do not encourage falsenessbut stand by what is pure and natural.


Too many people arefinding it difficult to discern what is real from all the falsenessthat is streaming into their lives from various means available toyou. Gather information before accepting. Know what it is you areabout to follow or condone…discern what is real to your heart andsoul by knowing what is real inside of you.


Watching natureblossom and bloom and grow from sprout to stalk or tree is easy tounderstand nature does not seek anything other than sustenance andit gets that from its surroundings, from the elements that areevident every moment of every day.


Much canbe learned by observing the wonders of nature in her growingsplendor. Every leaf, every insect, every tree, every stone, allcan become your teacher when you take the time to see it for whatit is and not for what it is not. The same can be said for you.Everything within you; your weaknesses your strengths are meant toteach you to welcome your truth and to understand and to acceptthat you are nature and that all you need for your development andgrowth is right here inside of you and around you, above andbelow… the elements arehere—all five of them working through you and with you every dayjust as they do with the trees, the plants and the creatures thatalso live among you. Know your sacredness as being natural andwhole and true.


通靈:Julie Miller   翻譯:Nick Chan 

