2015年4月15日 星期三



The beauty of using surrender and flow is that itallows you to work hand in hand with your guides and helpers, evenif you do not have the ability to consciously hear or feelthem. The more you stay inthe high vibrating energies of surrender and flow, the more you arecreating the exact conditions necessary to start to recognize andfeel the energies of spirit.


The irony is peoplewait to hear their guides before they are willing to surrender intothe flow, avoiding the very thing that allows a very tangibleexperience of spirit to occur.


There is no reason to ever wait tosurrender into the flow, Dear Ones! Even if you do not know whatyou believe, you can simply surrender to “more” and then allow theflow to work its magic, bringing you the unmistakeable experienceof how loved and supported you always are. ~ArchangelGabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vjql.html

