2015年4月19日 星期日



Some of you are wondering where you are as all looksdifferent, where others are not feeling the change at all. Forthose not feeling or seeing change we ask you, where are youlooking to see this change? Are you looking within or at the worldaround you? If you are looking to the world around you, you willnot see the change you desire. True change starts within each andeveryone of you. When you are at peace in your life, when yourheart is open and you are loving all fully, you will then see thischange radiated out to all those around you. This in turn changesthem, activates them if you will and they too begin the journey ofself realization.


Somany on this path have become disillusioned looking around at allthat needs changing in your world. We ask that you not rail againsta system you can not change, but instead create new ones based onlove, fairness, and forgiveness. In every moment you are choosingwhere to place your energy. Do you use it to see all that is wrongin the world or do you focus on what is right? You are verypowerful beings and what you focus on you are giving life too.Choose wisely. This is especially important as the human being isbecoming more crystalline. The more crystalline you become the moreyou project your reality in a clear, concise ways. You have alwayshad the ability to project your reality, but it was not clear.Think of it as a movie projector. You are the projector of yourlife movie, however the lens from which you projected the image wasdirty so parts of the movie were distorted or were unable to beprojected at all. As you become crystalline, your lens is cleaneras the density leaves your body. This allows you to project exactlywhat you intended without interference. This is how you create the new world. You project your love,forgiveness, and wisdom in all that you do around you and thischanges everything. The effects on the collective consciousnesswill not be seen immediately as most are still projecting withdistorted , dirty lenses. However, as more of you begin to projectthe vision of the new earth, of new unified relationships withmankind and the earth, the more you will see the change outside ofyourself, not just within. This is why we ask you to go within asthis is the only way to create the change which so many of youseek. If you are still projecting with density, you will onlycreate with the continued distortion. You must clear the densitywithin.


Forthose who have felt the recent shift and are affected by theeclipse energies, we ask you: what have you learned about yourself?What has fallen away from you during this time? What new patternsand opportunities have emerged? This is an extremely powerful timewith many opportunities to make large life changes if you areready. You will know that it is time for these changes because itwill feel as if there really is no other option. Some of thechanges will feel to be forced upon you, such as job changes,relationship changes, moves, and health issues that force you tofocus on self. Know that all is happening in your highest good andthat though some might be painful, the changes are pushing you onthe path which your soul desires. Take an inventory of what hasbeen shown to you these past few weeks, what synchronicity hasoccurred? What life lessons or themes seem to havereappeared? These are all clues showingyou where you need to head in your life, where you need to releasedensity, and where you need to change in order to continue yourprogression. For those seeking to makelarge changes, you will know that the time is right because thepath will be clearer and you will be presented with ever growingopportunities. You must walk in that direction fearlessly, leavingall insecurities behind. The energies are here to support such boldmoves.


Partof what is taking place is a better access to your soul guidance.As you clear density from your field you are better able to obtainthe guidance your soul wants to give. You may experience this as anudging to act, increased intuition, dreams and seeing signs inyour waking world. We ask that you pay attention to all that isaround you and act on the feelings you receive. The more you trustand act, the greater the connection you will achieve with your soulsource. Put away the feeling of beingfoolish or highly imaginative and know that this is the connectionyou seek. Allowing the thinking part of yourself to interfere willonly slow down your progress. Trust yourself, trust the guidanceyou receive. Always ask yourself if what you are receiving is heartcentered and loving, if it is not, release it and ask to receiveonly guidance that is pure and unfiltered.


Usethe energies that are streaming to your earth to help propel you inthe direction you wish to go. See all that is occurring as a giftand you will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

致以最深的謙卑之心   With deep admiration,

觀音   Quan Yin

由 JennySchiltz 於4月15日通靈    信息源頭:觀音大師


