2014年12月30日 星期二

大天使約菲爾20141224 心的智慧來自道德心


Precious Hearts, how is it, afterall your efforts to accumulate and sometimes contemplate yourexperiences that wisdom seems to elude many of you? You doc​​omprehend that true wisdom is not something that can be instantlycreated or simply acquired. It is pretty relative that you openyourself to it through the purity of harmony of your personal powerand will. You are aware that the ultimate source of wisdom lies inthe Divine Kingdom and from this Mighty Divine and Heavenly Fatheryou are encouraged to explore your inner self and discover your owninner wisdom, an intuition that every dear son and daughter of Goddoes carry. It is your inner sensitive energy, a sort of perceptionthat is often described as conscience that at certain times,reminds you of its presence. Precious Hearts, how often do youthink of conscience as being just something instilled to you byparents and teachers to be morally sensible? Well conscience holdsmuch more potential than reminding you of your manners andconsiderations towards others, it embraces the potential to extendyou far beyond anything you may have been taught or evenexperienced. The information and knowledge learned as children ofwhat is right , wrong, good or bad often dissolves before you beginto make a rea​​l contribution to life. Nonetheless, conscience thatis based on wisdom from your heart will serve you well as areliable moral compass in any circumstance.


Understandably,knowing the difference from right, wrong, good or bad will not takeyou quite far enough. If you are to fulfill your highest potential,be of service to others, contribute creatively to life, marry andsettle down, etc. then you realize that such a moral compass cannotprovide you with all the answers to your many questions on how andwhere to direct your journey. Your conscience, or inner intuitionenables each of you to understand wisdom as needed to any personalor even professional circumstance you might find yourself in, thatincludes your own specific set of possibilities and opportunities.Yet, in order to hear your inner voice of conscience, you need toprepare yourself to be less selfish and egocentric and serveunconditionally from the heart.


Can you open andexpand your conscience and learn to differentiate between the voiceof your intuition or conscience and the voice of your ego? WellPrecious Hearts, quite simply put you must find a way that isgradual and gentle that develops theintuition's sensitiveenergy that connects to your own perception and understanding ofwhat is right. Many times it is the insecurity of your hearts andthe clutter of your minds that present problems. Each of you arefilled with so many urges and desires, so many thoughts fill yourmind and fight for the spotlight of your attention, that for you tohear your inner voice of conscience amid all the chatter,distractions and temptations challenges your intuition and abilityto discriminate between your voice of conscience and your ego'svoice. But, there is hope as there is always hope…with spiritualpractice and exercise that is consistent you can learn to quietyour mind to such a low tempo that its lack of noise pacifies yourlovely heart which supports and guides the imminent arrival of yourconscience out from all the noise that was once there.


Your conscience does see. It isable to witness your behaviour, attitude; as well as your inner andouter actions but from an objective standpoint. When your feelings,thoughts, words and actions fall and become rude and unbecoming, itis your conscience that sees the truth in all matters and oftencreates a feeling of embarrassment knowing you have been seen byyour inner self, and if your inner self can recognize what is goingon imagine what others can see. Many times, you think you havehidden everything about you from the world, but in fact yourconscience sees all that you have tucked away. But if you have thecourage to open this door of your inner self and see honestly andtruthfully your egocentric behaviour, it is your conscience thatbecomes your lifeline of hope that shows you a way out, a way ofpurification from the inside out that will lead you to liberationfrom your controlling ego. Your higher self speaks to you throughyour intuition, it is how it sees you exactly as you are; it seesthrough the walls and masks you attempt to wear and it is yourintuition or conscience if you like the term more that directs youtowards cleansing your inner self from all the impurities anddiscord that surrounds you. It is thanks to your conscience thatyou are able to see all the things you are emotionally attached toand illuminates a path just for you so you can let them go and whenyou let them go you are making room for new, bright directions andattractions to take their place.


Being open to your conscience, inadditionally means you are completely ready for any of itspromptings; if you are not completely ready your conscience willwithdraw and go back to sleep. After consideration andcontemplation you feel your intuition is not going to disturb yourbeliefs or what you hold as value, you then can act on it.Hindsight offers a lot of learning that can be utilized next timeyou work with your intuition. It is a learning process, listeningto your deepest, and innermost voice is not perfected overnight,but by steadily honing into your conscience and allowing it togradually bloom, you will learn to discern the voice of truth thatis within all of you.


Quite simply put,your conscience is nothing less than your truest self, andlistening to this inner truth and following its direction, knowingof its connection to the Divine and of the Father that bestowedthis gift to every son and daughter is up to you to hone anddevelop. If you were to follow more often your unique conscience,you would understand yourself at an intimate level and over timebecome your true self in all areas at all times. Of course thiswill not be an easy path because of the many conflicts yourconscience faces when you bring desire and wants into the picture.On the path to liberating yourself from your ego, you will facemany choices and sometimes Precious Hearts the choices may beterribly difficult as they will be asking you to let go what youare unable to choose because you are making a different choice: Ifyou are given two choices, only one can be truly accepted, theother must be let go. It is important dear ones to unburdenyourself from egocentric and emotional attachments. The sooner youare able to do this the more liberated and open you will become. Ifyou can accept the promptings of your conscience it will be able toguide you through any life difficulty or event. When you live inconscience, you are basically giving God, your Heavenly Father anopen invitation to see everything you do internally andexternally.


Developing yourconscience will open up so many new directions, but most of all itwill open your true self, the self that many dear souls have pushedaside. Be present, be yourself and shine Precious Hearts and shinelike the beautiful soul that you are, for it is your soul that wesee above anything else.

我是大天使約菲爾   I AM Archangel Jophiel


通靈:JulieMiller   翻譯:NickChan 

