2014年12月7日 星期日

【娜達夫人】 20141204 《一切都關於平衡》


Have you ever met someone who has an attractivepresence, where being in their presence is felt as nourishing andcalming? Such individuals can be described as being charismatic.Those on the spiritual path that have been gifted with charismahave been gifted with an extra amount of grace that filters intoall their abilities making them much more unique and captivati​​ng.Charisma can easily be described as a power, as the more appealinga person is, the more willing the people around them will be drawnto him or her regardless of their outward appearance.


Just like any gift you realize Beautiful Bright Hearts,charisma when understood can be used negatively or positively. Bychoosing to bring forth the positive side of charisma, y​​ou chooseto manifest the nurturing of the truth, brought about in a way thatfeels safe. And this manifestation can only truly occur when a dearsoul is matured in both the masculine and feminine polarities thatexist within them. Allowing their true and authentic person to liveand be free, to be able to express their creativeness through theirpassion for life that stems from the life force of God . When thisbalance of inner maturity occurs, you and your charismatic ways area gift not only to the world but to yourself as well.


It is well determined that each of you are unique andpossess unique gifts, talents and skills. What urges your creativeside comes from your unique spirit and passion to bring that spiritto life in your own special way. Even the very DNA in your cellscan affirm this. Even if you are a twin, there will be somethingthat will be unique to your twin brother or sister and it is youruniqueness that we encourage you to embrace, instead of ignoringit…explore your uniqueness and discover how you can utilize thisspecialness in a positive and constructive way, that demonstratesyour mature inner self and creative side.


Inorder for you to develop your charismatic personality, there mustbe certain conditions present in order for such a divine gift to begestated, to be grown and revealed to the rest of the world. It isthe coming together of your masculine and feminine polarities thatprovides this birth to occur. As you continue to live your lifetrue through this balancing connection, this gift of grace willgrow and it will become known by those around you and be feltthrough all you do.


It is important Beautiful Bright Hearts to understandthe importance of moving beyond any limiting thoughts andperceptions and to raise your confidence in such a way that yourmind no longer can impose any kind of doubt that could possiblyderail whatever goal your mission you decide to commit to. If yourmind is still clouded with doubt and uncertainty, you can still tr​​yto bring forth a charismatic personality, but you will be unable todemonstrate your whole authentic self completely. It would besomething similar to trying to grow a tree where there isn'tadequate sunlight or nourishing soil. Yes, the tree may try togrow, but it may be dwarfed, or it may not produce the fruit it wasmeant to which indicates the tree's matured state. We encourage youthat when you begin to demonstrate your charismatic side, to makesure your mind is settled, that you have control over youremotional impulses that are often governed by the ego in order toproduce and cultivate the most nourishing of fruit.


When you free your creative side Beautiful Bright Hearts,you are able to make use of any previous talents and gifts in newand exciting ways. It is your inner feminine side that helps you tonurture this dynamic energy into wakefulness. Yet it is the balanceof your inner masculine that helps you to demonstrate this gracefulside of your being as you make your way in the world along the paththat is meant just for you.


Ifyou look within yourself, using the seed as a metaphor you willquickly comprehend the planting of the seed of thought, how thatseed is to be fertilized, cultivated, nourished and grown. What yougrow, develop and nourish from inside and from the love andattention you apply will in time come forth and be felt by all.That is because of the union of the masculine and femininepolarities joining in order for such a balance of inner energy tooccur that has the ability of producing charisma. It is importantto point out Beautiful Bright Hearts that before your charismaticnature can be successfully born, your inner masculine and femininesides must reach balanced maturity in order fertilize that preciousseed. What is also required dear ones, is the understanding tofocus inward. That any external focus you turn to for reflection orinspiration for cultivati​​ng your inner masculine and feminine sideswill be thwarted because it is necessary to gain what you need fromthe attention you apply to your inner person, not from anythingexternal. Don't become trapped by external distractions andrelationships trying to address the inner work you need to fulfillin order for the maturity of your polarities of the masculine andfeminine to occur. Sexuality plays a big picture on your ability todevelop your charisma in a healthy and positive way. Theunderstanding of your sexual nature becomes yourdoorway.


Asyou grow from child to adolescence then to adult, within the bodycertain maturities are going on and your sexual nature rises andfalls depending on the situation, conditions, and your place andpresence. Sexuality can become an issue to develop for the life ofthe individual charismatic nature to be revealed and to helpcultivate the life meant to be lived. If certain masculine andfeminine concepts were not established as a child, the individualwill have a much more difficult time cultivati​​ng charisma as theinner masculine and feminine will not be matured. We understandthat for some dear souls , you were taught to not to nurture yourtruth and to follow a certain rule or way of living, therefore notunderstanding your whole self, including your sexual nature.Without knowing your whole self and understanding what thatimplies, you cannot begin to fathom the revealing of yourcharismatic nature. It is vital to know how to make contact withyour inner nurturing feminine, creative energy before you thinkabout thrusting this dynamic energy from your masculine side ontothe world…all needs to be in balance. You need to understand whatneeds to be fulfilled from the within and work on bringing bothpolarities together in a peaceful union.


Regardless if you are male or female, if you have notlearned to nurture your authentic truth, you will find yourselfturning towards your feminine energy to further develop and nurturewhat you could not due to a lack of inner knowing and balance. Weare positive that either yourself or someone you know occasionallylacks the ability to thrust themselves into the world or into a newdirection with full confidence and trust of their own inner person,they find themselves seeking an authority-type figure that willprovide them with truth and direct them on what they are to donext . So many Beautiful Bright Hearts have been emasculated earlyin life which minimizes the growth of their inner masculine sidecausing a difficulty to grow and mature in a balanced, truthfulway…such individuals find themselves being led by others thatconsider themselves better. But the moment you learn to makecontact with your feminine, creative side, you are able to bringthe nurturing energy to your own truth and be able to positivelythrust yourself out into the world with their inner masculine foundwithin your authentic truth, you become a brilliant light made bythe maturing inner polarities of your masculine and feminineenergies. The depth of your charismatic self will become enhancedas you go through life and meet challenges that require you torebirth or recreate.


It is understood Beautiful Bright Hearts, that it isyour sexuality that can either keep your body captive or free itdepending on conditions being met that are correct or incorrect.Sexuality under prime conditions will give way to what alreadyexists within your body and release gifts, talents and skills thatmay have been unknown. With the prime conditions nurturing theinner masculine and feminine into balanced life, you become aglorious, light of grace and have the ability and capability tofunction quite well from your own inner compass of intuitiveprowess. You will have little need of external references for yoursource of direction or nourishment of your whole, authentic selffor you have trust of your own inner energy and your focus is onyour creative effort that is a balanced combination of yourmasculine and feminine working harmoniously together.


It is essential to remember Beautiful Bright Heartsthat charisma is a multidimensional phenomenon that you have theability to manifest depending on the balance of your life forcewhich is your feminine and masculine becoming joined in an internalmarriage of prime dynamic energy working as one. Understand thatthe more energy you have, the greater your charismatic ways willbecome. The potential coming from such energy in endless just asare the opportunities that greet you each and every day. ​​Only youcan choose to live your life fully and completely in all its manyaspects, but first it starts from looking within.

就是如此  And so it is,

我是揚升大師,娜達夫人  IAM Ascended Master, Lady Nada

通靈:Julie Miller  翻譯:Nick Chan 

