2013年12月9日 星期一


摯愛的親人們:  BelovedOnes,


Change continues to take place in every corner of yourworld. That which has been hidden continues to be exposed to thelight of humanity's awareness and discernment. All that was oncekept from the masses can no longer be controlled and thedissemination of enlightening information flies through theairwaves across the planet in mere seconds. All manner of secretactivities are coming up to be looked at with awareness andacknowledgment and this will continue to be so until all istransparent in all interactions between humans on their world. Thisenables each person to become better informed about the manyactivities that take place so that they can input their choice ofhow they wish their world and the workings of it to beconducted.


Nolonger will deception be tolerated and this will becomeincreasingly clear to all who hope to continue in the old paradigmof keeping the masses ignorant of the behind the scenes activitiesthat have been taking place upon the planet, for just as soon assecret agreements are made, they will be discovered and exposed.The times you are living in call for truth, fairness, justice andhonor in all activities. The minds and hearts of all people uponthe planet are bone weary of business as usual and grow impatientwith those who are supposed to be serving the greater good of theirown citizens. The wake up calls have been made in many differentcountries and have clearly demonstrated this to all who woulddeceive the people they are supposed to serve, you have but to reador listen to your daily newscasts to see that they are filled withsuch stories and information.


Youare still in passage and walk between two worlds, the old andnearly crumbled systems, and the new Earth reality in a higherdimensional consciousness. It is difficult for many of you torealize the good that is occurring all around you as the focus isalmost always on the happenings of the old ways of doing businesson your planet. These are illusions that are quickly fading fromhuman consciousness. In its place comes an earnest desire to takethe high road in all activities between people, nations and world.There is a sense of urgency and anticipation that is tangibly feltin many individuals across the length and breadth of your planet.It is incumbent upon each individual to hold to the higheststandards of conduct in all interactions as this will facilitate anexponential effect in all communications that takeplace.


Theincrease in the energy and light quotient relentlessly continues toeffect changes and transformations in all facets of humanexistence. There is a great need for the healing of old wounds inmany individuals and they seek to find the method to accomplishthis. Many who have just awakened will seek answers to their manyquestions and to alleviate their fears, doubts and confusions. Youwho are the emerging masters of life upon a physical planet are nowbeing placed in a position of elder brother or sister, perhaps notso much in years as in your sagacity. The light you hold becomesmore easily discernible in the seekers and they will seekit.


Asyou have met your great challenges and responsibilities to thehigher order of things, you have qualified for the role of guideand teacher to others in your sphere of influence and will soonstep into your new roles with relish and great confidence, knowingthat you have the wisdom within you to give assistance when and asneeded. There has been much training taking place in the times yourphysical body sleeps and this will activate in divine timing.Remembrance of your mission will become more available to you inthe days ahead.

Until next week… I AM Hilarion

