2013年12月6日 星期五


Because you have sooften felt weak yourself you have exaggerated the damage done bythe thoughts and feelings of others.


Now, while it is truethat hurtful words have contributed to the pain you feel it is alsotrue and much more important to you that you can simply take yourmind off of the hurt. Their words are simply not as damaging as youhave thought because you can choose to disregard them. Other peopledo not have the ability to rob you of peace if you do not allowit.


You can take yourmind off of of their words. You empower their negativity with yourattention on it. You empower the feelings of hurt that those wordsengender with your attention on it.


Remember now that youcan let go. Take your mind off of your anger with others and withyourself and return your thoughts to Me. Return your thoughts tothe Light. Return your thoughts to your own strength.


When your thoughtsare on your own strength you are better able to heal. You arebetter able to move forward. You are better able to function inlife.


When your thoughtsare on human weakness it erodes your foundation. It robs you ofpeace and harmony and the ability to think clearly. It diminishesyour ability to process and deal with the situations you findyourself in.


I have told you I amyour foundation. When your thoughts are on perceived weaknessrather than on the Light your feel disconnected from Me. You feelgroundless because you have lost sight of Me. I know that sometimesit seems hard to overcome your feelings of weakness, but I tell youthat you are strong. I created you strong. I am here for you and Igive you the love and support you need. I give you the healinglight that you need. I give you My Infinite Love and that light isfar more powerful than any feeling of weakness.

The feelings youstruggle with have no power.


You have thought thempowerful. You have imagined them powerful. You empower them withyour struggle. You empower them by fighting againstthem.

不再對抗  Fight nolonger.

臣服它們  Surrenderthem.

放下它們  Let go ofthem.

忽視它們  Disregardthem.

選擇放鬆  Choose to relaxinstead.

意識到你有選擇  Recognize that youhave a choice.

You can struggle withyour demons or you can think of Me.

You can fightyourself or you can let Me lift you up.

You can choosedesolation or you can choose the Light of Heaven.

You can chooseloneliness or you can choose to remember Your Fathers'Love.
通靈:Heart SongMeditation  翻譯:NickChan


