2013年12月12日 星期四

大天使邁克20131208 你真的做得比你意識到的還要好


Let us discuss withyou today the ways in which you interpret the channeled messageswhich you are given. We of course know that thesewill be received in the manner that they are. Butit will be helpful, perhaps, for you to see the things which wesee.


Many channels andtheir messages are influenced more than others by their own beliefsystems, by their pre-disposition toward one interpretation ofinformation or another. This may be slight or itmay not. All messages are, because of the methodsinvolved, meaning telepathy, subject to greater or lesser degreesof accuracy. This is not to convey, nor is itmeant to, any disapproval of anyone who is trying very hard toprovide the best information they can to you in thesetimes. Every sincere effort isappreciated.


In our description ofthis process, we have now arrived at the point where there is areadable or audible message for your access, exactly like what youare reading or hearing now. Each of you will reador hear this and will accept or reject it according to itsresonance with what you already believe. And atthis point, the message is further changed. Youhave a children's game, called Telephone, that illustrates thisvery process. In the game, the more peopleinvolved, the more the original message is changed.


Now, it is also possible for themessage to be changed more toward its originalintent. And here we come to the point we wish tomake. If, once each individual receives themessage, each of you take what you have heard or read, and sitswith it in your heart, your heart will help you to get the mosttruth out of it that is possible for you in themoment. If you ask, you will have as much helpwith that as the channel did when he or she receivedit. This is the discernment of which we speak sooften.


Your ability to dothis is growing as we progress along thisjourney. Looking back, we are sure you can seehow your understandings have been changing, sometimes gently andgradually, sometimes radically. We see somehaving what you call “Aha!” moments in which many pieces of apuzzle fall together. Aren't thosewonderful?


One last thing we wouldmention. No one on your plane of Creation has theentire truth of anything. Therefore we ask thatyou judge neither yourselves nor any other. Afterall, you can only compare their portion of the truth to your ownportion.


Rather, it wouldserve you well to honor the other for being on a journey just asyou are, and to wish them the very best. Thatdoes not mean you need to espouse anything with which you do notagree, does it? Simply honor their efforts atliving and learning as best they can.


At this point, we would like tohonor each of you for your living and learning as best you can, andalso to offer our love and support in your doingso. You really are doing better than yourealize. We will speak againsoon. Good day


通靈:Ron Head  翻譯:Nick Chan


