2013年12月29日 星期日

大天使邁克20131223 你們下一個圍繞太陽的旅程會是更加多變故的

At this time of greatcelebration all over your globe we wish to bring you a shortmessage of our appreciation.


We are more awarethan you of the wide reach of these messages. Andcombined with those of our other channels, there are very fewplaces on your world that have not read or heard messages from anyof us during the past year. This has resulted ina great shift in the consciousness and understanding of thousandsupon thousands of people in almost all countries, speaking mostlanguages​​.


That has been themajor task which you have accomplished over the past twoyears. This is a time of yearlycelebration. Some of you are in the grip ofwinter. Some of you are basking on sunnybeaches. Nevertheless, this time of your year isfocused, around the world , on joy, peace, andunity. Due to the internal shift which has beenand is being felt by most of you who follow our messages, we knowthis is felt more deeply this year than everbefore. Know then that we join you in thiscelebration of all that you have accomplished, all that you havebecome, and all that you yet dream of.


We send you our deepfeelings of love and family. Know this, yourefforts are now about to have effects which will shake everythingto its foundations. Things are proceeding, as wespeak, which you will have a hard time believing at first, butwhich will bring about changes that will amaze you, even though youhave waiting seemingly forever for them.


And no matter howwonderful they may seem at first, know that they are only a firststep. Your next trip around the sun will be evenmore eventful than your last. You have donethis.


Be at peace withyourselves, dear ones. Good day.


通靈:Ron Head  翻譯:Nick Chan

