2013年12月24日 星期二

造物主20131221 憶起你的力量


I know that you havehad m​​oments where you may feel very small and insignificant…….andthat, my Love, is the furthest thing from the truth.


With that in mind,let Me paint you a picture; a flower releases a seed to the wind.It does not know where that seed will land. It finds a home in avery tiny crack of a sidewalk, takes root and begins to grow. Theconcrete does not stop it from growing, instead, it will move andshift out of the growing seed's way and make room for its beauty.YOU are that seed that, once it finds a place to grow, can movemountains for growth. Always, always remember , you are a powerfulforce in your world. ~ Creator


翻譯:Nick Chan


