2022年11月12日 星期六



Dear Ones, you are far more masterful than you realize. That is why the enlightenment process is often referred to as realization. It is realizing the full extent of your mastery. So trust the process of your own evolution. Trust the inherent wisdom of your own soul to help you navigate your life expression.

我們經常談論與你內在的智慧或更高的自我保持一致,這對你們中的一些人來說,感覺像是一個複雜的過程,或者超出了你的能力範圍。我們希望向您保證,事實並非如此。這是一個簡單的問自己,“我的人類自我是怎麼想的?” 和“我的靈魂自己在想什麼?” 並遵循似乎最有能力和最廣泛的建議。你和你的靈魂是一體的,所以從來沒有時候你無法接觸到它。〜大天使加百利通過雪莉·楊

We often talk about getting into alignment with your inner wise one or your higher self and this can, to some of you, feel like an elaborate process or one that is beyond your capabilities. We wish to assure you it is not. It is a simple as asking yourself, “What does my human self think?” and “What does my soul self think?” and following the advice that seems most empowering and expansive. You and your soul are one and the same, so there is never a time when you don’t have access to it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Shifting into a true self love practice allows you to navigate your way forward through the guidance of your human self and your higher self, which is incredibly balancing for you and allows you to experience both being loved and being the love. This is the foundation of your embodiment practice. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

