2022年2月1日 星期二



Today is an unconventional daily message kind of day.


As most of you know, as I came to the ten year anniversary of doing daily messages every day I’ve been reevaluating my service looking to move into a better work/life balance. I wanted to free up my weekends and holidays, so I thought posting excerpts of my book might be a good idea on those days. I quickly discovered that took almost as much time as writing a new message does and it was still working on the weekend. I realize I could write the weekend messages during the week, but that didn’t feel good either because that would just add to my work load during the week.

我一直在探索不同的方法,終於通過一封來自可愛靈魂 Cora 的電子郵件找到了一些思路。她寫道,作為一名讀者,她更願意接收從“我可以到達”的空間而不是“我必須”的空間寫入的信息。我很感激她給了我這個信息,因為它給了我我無法識別的缺失部分,它讓事情變得一清二楚。謝謝你,科拉!

I’ve just been exploring different approaches and finally found some clarity thanks to an email from a lovely soul named Cora. She wrote that as a reader she would far rather receive messages that were written from a space of “I get to” rather than a space of “I have to”. I’m so grateful that she gave me that message because it gave me the missing piece I just couldn’t identify and it made things crystal clear. Thank you, Cora!

在一周內寫每日消息絕對是一個“get to”。週末肯定變成了“不得不”。正如許多日常信息所討論的那樣,我們正在超越舊的殉道服務範式,轉變為快樂、受支持的服務。在“不得不”的範圍內做任何事情絕對是殉道服務。

During the week writing the daily messages is definitely a “get to”. The weekends have definitely become “have to”. As so many of the daily messages have discussed, we are evolving beyond the old martyred service paradigm into joyful, supported service. Doing anything from the space of “have to” is definitely martyred service.


Further, that energy would also seep into the messages because they do come through me, and that is likely another reason why the weekend messages don’t get shared as much. I have also felt into what advice would come through if I was reading for someone with the same issue, and it would absolutely be that it is essential to take time for rest and rejuvenation in order to honour yourself and create better balance.

太好了,從現在開始,每週一到週五都會有新的每日消息,我將在周末和節假日休假。如果您覺得在那些日子裡需要修復 Gabriel 的能量,您可以隨時訪問 www.trinityesoterics.com 的網站,在那裡您可以免費閱讀長達十年的每日信息。您甚至可以通過單擊放大鏡並將關鍵詞放在頁面頂部顯示的搜索欄中來搜索該站點並顯示有關某些主題的消息。

Sooooo, from this point forward there will be new daily messages every week from Monday to Friday and I will be taking weekends and holidays off. If you feel like you need a fix of Gabriel’s energy on those days you can always visit the website at www.trinityesoterics.com where there are ten years worth of daily messages you can read for free. You can even search the site and bring up messages on certain topics by clicking the magnifying glass and putting key words in the search bar that appears at the top of the page.


Thank you again, to all of you who took the time to reach out and encourage me as I’ve been feeling through all of this. I am so moved by the love, kindness, and support you have shown me.


So for today’s daily message I ask you, what can you let go of in order to move into better balance for yourself? How can you shift your service to include yourself as well? Let’s do this together!

