2021年11月6日 星期六



Your authenticity is your greatest gift both to yourself and the world, for it is embracing your truest essence and offering your unique energetic contributions that add to the mosaic of the whole. From this perspective, can you see that your beingness is an essential aspect of your service? In fact, we would go so far as to say it is the foundation that is necessary for all other things to be built upon.


We realize that because you have been so conditioned to think busyness is good, and stillness is laziness or somehow wasted time, it can be difficult to embrace the power of your beingness. We would like you to understand your beingness is the perpetual path of alignment. It doesn’t mean that you never move into action, it simply means you take inspired action and your choices are true energetic matches to both who you are and the energetics of any given time. It is the way of heart-centred, soul led efficiency.

由於從 3D 行動到 5D 存在的重大轉變對於完全進入新的狀態至關重要,我們強烈建議您探索並釋放任何舊的條件,這些條件使您相信自己的存在在某種程度上是不夠的。是時候擁抱只有您才能提供的光輝、不斷變化和不斷發展的本質。不僅綽綽有餘,而且是您的目的。〜大天使加百利通過雪莉·楊

As making the grand shift from 3D doing to 5D being is essential to step up fully into the new, we highly advise you explore and release any old conditioning that has led you to believe that your beingness is somehow less than enough. It is time to embrace the glorious, ever-shifting and evolving essence only you can provide. Not only is more than enough, it is your purpose. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

