2021年9月11日 星期六


雪萊的筆記:我昨天正在瀏覽網站上過去的每日消息,為我正在編寫的新程序收內容。每天的信息一旦寫好,我通常就會忘記,所以重讀它們往往感覺就像我第一次體驗它們。這篇文章最初寫於 2014 年 10 月 9 日,當我讀到它時,它讓我大笑起來,所以我今天不得不與大家分享。經典的加布里埃爾!

Shelley’s Note: I was going through past daily messages on the website yesterday, gathering content for a new program I’m writing. I usually forget about daily messages once they are written, so re-reading them often feels like I’m experiencing them for the first time. This one was originally written on October 9, 2014 and when I read it it made me laugh out loud so I just had to share it with you today. Classic Gabriel!


Denying yourself love so you don’t get hurt is like denying yourself ice cream to avoid razor blades. One has nothing to do with the other. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



You are a willing dance partner of judgement when you are making decisions based on the fear of what others may think. Is it time for you to break free and start listening to your heart and your own innate wisdom? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

