2019年9月2日 星期一


- 學習更多,達到一定程度的成就或掌握。這種想法就像否定孩子擁抱一樣,因為你覺得你需要先學會如何去愛。如果我們告訴你你的掌握通過服務增長和擴展怎麼辦?

Many of you feel called to service but hesitate to step into it because you feel you need to be more – to learn more, to reach some new level of attainment or mastery. This thinking would be much like denying a child a hug because you feel you need to learn how to love more first. What if we told you your mastery grows and expands through service?


We love and honour you for wanting to be diligent and appropriate, but the fact that you wish to be of service automatically indicates you have something to offer others. You will have knowledge you have gained through your own experiences that will be helpful to others who are seeking guidance.


Simple service is often the most effective of all. There will always be something you have to offer, Dear Ones, because kindness and love are the universal healers, connectors, and uplifters, and you have an endless wellspring of both to share if you simply lead with your heart. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


