2017年9月8日 星期五



During periods of energetic intensity it can get overwhelming, particularly if you are caught up in the unknowns of the future. When times get chaotic it is time to strip things down to basics. Simply take things one now moment at a time. Breathe. Trust. Align. Connect with your core truths and remember what you know. And rest assured that you are absolutely capable of navigating through it all, for these are the exact times your soul couldn’t wait to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel



So many human beings are living lives that are a fraction of what is available to them. There are several reasons for this.


As children, most of you were conditioned to be careful, to not be reckless, to play it safe, to settle in and be satisfied with what was known. You were taught the pervasive belief your parents had, which was the known was safe, where the unknown was unsafe.

這正是如何限制信仰系統發生的 - 它們從一代到一代,直到開創性的靈魂推動界限,並且發現並接受新的可能性。

This is exactly how limiting belief systems occur – they are passed on from generation to generation until pioneering souls push the boundaries and new possibilities are discovered and accepted.


Many of you are in a phase where your soul wants more. It wishes to move beyond what you have known into the realm of endless possibility. That is because so many of you are pioneers, driving the shift of consciousness on your planet.

不要害怕超越思考!超越你已經經歷過的超越你所知道的,超越你的想法是可能的!你是創造者 - 強大,有意識,美麗的創作者,他們是創造新地球的組成部分。

Don’t be afraid to think beyond! Beyond what you have already experienced, beyond what you have known, beyond what you think is possible! You are creators – powerful, mindful, beautiful creators who are integral in the creation of the new earth.


Cast your net wide! Co-create with your guides and helpers by setting an intention to have your next grandest experience and leaving room for the universe to respond with potentials you couldn’t have imagined.

親愛的,現在是釋放對成功的恐懼和對失敗的恐懼的時候,開始擁抱體驗的價值 - 所有的經驗!你準備好像以前一樣擴張和自我表達,你已經做好充分的準備,所以出去吧!〜大天使加百利

Dear Ones, it is time to release the fear of success and the fear of failure and start to embrace the value of experience – all experience! You are ready to expand and self express like never before and you are well prepared for it, so go forth and SHINE! ~Archangel Gabriel

