2017年9月15日 星期五


我看到我的朋友安德魯·馬丁最近的帖子“停止精神”,讓我思考。我得說實話 沒有

I saw my friend Andrew Martin’s recent post, Stop Being Spiritual and it got me to thinking. I’ve got to be honest. Nothing about me feels like being spiritual lately. I don’t know if it is the energetic bombardment we’ve been under but I don’t feel compelled to do any of the spiritual things anymore.


I don’t meditate a lot (although I do feel connected with spirit every day). I haven’t felt compelled to read spiritual books for a long time now. I scroll past most of the spiritual posts I see on fb lately, because I don’t really feel anything needs to be fixed, or addressed. I do what is called for to adjust to any specific energy, but the doing phase of spirituality for me, at least for now, seems to be over. I feel like everything is just fine, exactly how it is. Gabriel has talked at length about the shift from initiate to actuate, from doing to being. Is that what this is? Perhaps.

當我在思考這一切的時候,發生在我身上,我已經從貓的精力充沛的經歷轉變成了對狗的精力充沛的經驗。在我以前的精神時代,這一切都是非常的貓 - 神秘而有時是遙遠的。我會喜歡我自己的條件,但要太靠近,我需要空間。我有時會看到其他人看不到的東西(像我的貓一直都這樣做),並且按照自己的條件生活,無論他人是否有意義。這一切似乎都是神秘而不知名的,就像在你自己的小空間裡,而不是它在世界上。

As I was pondering all of this, it occurred to me that I have shifted from my energetic experience with cats to my energetic experience with dogs. In my earlier spiritual days, it was all very cat like – mystical and sometimes distant. I would love on my own terms but get too close and I’d need space. I would sometimes see things other people wouldn’t see (as my cats have always done), and lived on my own terms, whether it made sense to others or not. It all seemed rather mysterious and unknown, like being in your own little space that was in the world but not of it.

誰知道我一直以來的這個漫長的旅程將導致我只想要快樂幸運的狗的能量?我只是想出席 我想在一切中找到喜悅。我希望每天都能充分開放,從一個愛和熱情的地方開始,玩得開心。我只是想要真實地認識我,沒有假裝或儀式,有最好的生活時間。簡單的快樂,這是什麼共鳴,無論現在任何時刻可能是什麼。

Who knew that this long-ass journey I’ve been on would lead me to just wanting happy-go-lucky dog energy? I just want to be present. I want to find the joy in EVERYTHING. I want to embrace every day fully open, from a place of love and enthusiasm, and have fun flowing and playing. I just want to be authentically me with no pretence or ritual involved, having the best time of life. Simple pleasures, that’s what resonates, whatever that may be in any given now moment.


I think the beauty of the journey is we walk a thousand miles to end up back home with ourselves, hopefully making some kind of peace with who we really are, and knowing ourselves from a deeper, more simplistic place. It may change tomorrow, but for right now a treat and a ride in the car can make for the best day ever.

