2016年5月24日 星期二



Is there a challenge in your life that you think will never change? Is that really true? Or it is a belief system that you have adopted that is keeping you stuck?


Dear Ones, many of the ways you experience yourself as stuck were created in energies that are very different from the ones you are in today. You have been shifting and releasing everything that is holding you back, as well as integrating exactly what you need to move forward, right now, like never before.

足夠愛自己來放下舊局限信仰的約束,認識到無盡的可能性和潛能。所需的就是意願去讓你的靈魂自由地表達自己,在新的,輝煌的方式中。~ 大天使加百利

Love yourselves enough to let go of the constraints of your old limiting beliefs and acknowledge the endless possibilities and potentials that abound for you now. All that is required is a willingness to allow your soul the freedom it needs to express itself in new and glorious ways. ~Archangel Gabriel


