2016年5月23日 星期一


是一個找到你神性的奇妙過程,在身體中,會讓你感到更加地可觸摸。這會讓你喜悅地打開最驚人的禮物,同時物理地感覺到完全體驗每個令人愉悅的發現。~ 大天使加百利

Dear Ones, your humanity is breathtakingly beautiful. Your spiritual journey isn ' t about leaving your human self behind. It is a delightful process of finding your way back to your divinity while being in the body, which allows you to feel it more tangibly than any other way. It allows you the joy of unwrapping of the most spectacular presents, while having the physical senses to fully experience each delightful discovery. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wjvs.html


When you think about the idea of life unfolding with ease, what comes up for you? Do you immediately think that is something that can ' t happen for you? Or that it sounds unrealistic? Or perhaps stirs up negative emotions and fears, like to do so would make you lazy?


Think to a time in your life when everything came together with ease. Perhaps you were creating something and entered into what you would call a zone, where it just flowed effortlessly, where everything fell into place beautifully and you accomplished so much joyfully in a short amount of time. How did you feel then? Did it feel magical, and supported? Was anything about that experience negative?

你的靈感創造來自輕盈和流動。它們來自你和源頭能量的對齊。它們是最大利用可供你使用的能量的結果,加上你自己創造性的力量。這就是我們所說的甜蜜點--- 臣服和流動、支持和創造完美的結合,為了你的最高良善

Your inspired creations come from ease and flow. They come from an alignment between you and Source energy. They are the result of the greatest use of the energy available to you combined with your own creative force. That is what we call the sweet spot – that perfect combination of surrender and flow, support and creation, for your highest good.

創造受支持的流動就是有些東西總是可供你使用。你也許不相信,親愛的,但這會成為你首選的行事方式,在未來的幾個月和幾年,所以為什麼不放下鬥爭,擁抱更加富有成效,更加令人滿意的存在方式?~ 大天使加百利

The supported flow of creation is something that is available to you all the time. You may not believe it, Dear Ones, but it will become your preferred method of doing things over the coming months and years, so why not drop the struggle and embrace this far more efficient, far more satisfying way of being now? ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wjy6.html

