2015年11月24日 星期二


摯愛的人們   Beloved Ones,

許多光之工作者正發現的是很難讓自己從當前的新聞媒體宣稱的“戲劇”中扭轉精神的焦點,而這些不斷把他們束縛在外在世界發生的情形中。很重要的一點便是設置一份意圖--它將在你每日的生活中切實的幫助你,而非是允許在這些時刻被這個世界由各種事件製造出的能量對你造成不利的影響。請持有你的立場,摯愛的人們,同時不要讓自己從光的道路上被分心和帶離。在你們的心中燃燒出從未有過的堅定信念和希望--- 相信在這個世界中絕大多數人的心中都持有著“善良”並僅僅希望“和平”與“和諧”得以盛行。

Many Lightworkers are finding it difficult to keep their focus off the drama taking place in the newscasts and this is keeping them in a place of bondage to outer happenings. It is important to set an intent that actually helps you in your daily life rather than allowing the energies moving through the world at this time to affect you adversely. Hold your ground, Dear Ones, and do not be distracted from your path of Light. Keep faith and hope ever burning in your hearts, faith that the majority of people in the world hold goodness within their hearts and desire only peace and harmony to prevail.


Remember your neighbour for the good they have done, to you and for you. Align to the higher version of yourselves and everyone around you. Let your love and kindness bless and make better their day. ​​Extravagant gestures are not required in order to ease someone's heart. A simple smile or greeting is sometimes worth more than anything else that could be given. In deep strength, empathy and compassion, be the example of what you wish to see in the world. Let there be no place in your being for cynicism and derision, jaded judgements and the seeking of revenge, for these just perpetuate the karmic cycles of the human species and do not add anything of value or enhance a person's life in any way.


It is most important to add value to each day. ​​Put your energies where they will do the most good for the greatest amount of people. Look within often as your guidepost to the best direction for you to follow. Spend time outdoors when it is possible and put your face up to the sun to receive its benevolent rays and warmth. Let simplicity be your practice, for this allows for a quiet spirit within and a deep centeredness and connection to Source to be your personal experience. The simple truth of your being is that you are all that love is. You alone hold this power and can use it to benefit self and others around you. When many of you gather together, that power of love can create miracles.


The world continues to shift and it is incumbent upon each and everyone to release all that still lives within them that is not who they really are. Be done with it, Beloveds, for there is much that is coming that will move everyone to a different way of being, a different way of manifesting that which is needed and required. What you do in the present moment is what creates your future. Make it something that is wonderful! Allow for the movement of the universal flow to take place within you and set sail to a previously unknown land, it may be uncomfortable at first but as with anything new, it will begin to settle.


The Earth is humanity's home, there is no other. Love your home, take care of it and it will take care of you. Honor your symbiotic relationship with your planet in a never ending giving and receiving. In this there is balance. Many things are now in completion and the way before you beckons.

直到下個星期    我是Hilarion

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