2015年11月12日 星期四



If you have a decision to make and you do not know what to do, we suggest you do nothing until you have the clarity you seek. Ask us for assistance. Surrender into the flow for your highest good and watch for the signs and synchronicities. Take the time to still yourself and connect into your innate knowingness. Meditate on the situation and see how your heart feels from that aligned space.


Many of you feel you must do something immediately when you have a choice to make. Choosing to hold off on a decision until you have more clarity is still doing something, Dear Ones! You have many skills within yourself to connect with, and many universal helpers willing to assist. Allow your situation to unfold divinely until you can see the vista that feels right for you and you will always make empowered decisions that honour who you really are. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102w3n8.html


Many of you believe patience is a virtue. We certainly agree that it is a lovely attribute to have. Did you know it is actually a byproduct of acceptance, faith and trust?


You see, when you are in the energies of acceptance, faith and trust, you lose the need to view anything as wrong. Impatience is the result of thinking things should be a different way than how they are presenting, and experiencing frustration due to that belief. When you are approaching life with complete acceptance, faith and trust, you see that everything that is occurring is divinely perfect, and there is nothing left to do but BE.


So we would say to you if you are wishing to have more patience, rather than working on that individual element by itself, you may wish to shore up its foundation which is comprised of acceptance, faith and trust. Once those elements are in place, patience will naturally follow, and your life will become far more peaceful and enjoyable than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel


